Temporary Bar Set Up During Chez Alcatraz Refurbishment

Annie Wilson

Temporary Bar Set Up During Chez Alcatraz Refurbishment

Chez Alcatraz is closed for refurbishment at Universal Studios Florida, but you can still grab a drink in San Francisco from your favorite bar tenders. A temporary bar has been set up while the old one is under refurbishment.

Chez Alcatraz Refurbishment

a wide shot of the temporary bar next to the construction walls around Chez Alcatraz

The Chez Alcatraz refresh was rumored for some time, but work is finally underway. Walls are up around the Chez Alcatraz bar, but you can still order your favorite drink and grab a photo with Bruce. A temporary bar has been set up right next to the construction walls and is serving up all the same specialty cocktails.

Chez Alcatraz bar menu

Be sure to get an Ocean Attack for a unique experience. The bar tender will usually present this drink with a little surprise.

Chez Alcatraz refurbishment

Just over the construction walls, we can see work has already started inside. There are scrims around the back of the bar, but we can see a bit of the interior under the roof. The main structure is still intact, but the interior is getting some major work done.

green construction walls around the San Francisco buildings

Chez Alcatraz is just a small part of the refurbishment happening around the San Francisco area. Walls and scrims have been up around the restrooms for a few weeks, but now there are more construction walls wrapping around the rest of the building. The walls start just before the entrance to Fast and Furious: Supercharged and surround most of the building facade.

temporary Chez Alcatraz bar

Universal Studios Florida has a lot of refurbishment projects taking place right now. It’s nice to see the park getting refreshed, especially one of the most iconic bars in the park. Until the real Chez Alcatraz reopens, be sure to visit the temporary location for a drink on your next visit to Universal Studios Florida.

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