PHOTOS, VIDEO: Brer Bear’s Tail Returns to Splash Mountain, More Fixed – A Maintenance Success Story

Tom Corless

PHOTOS, VIDEO: Brer Bear’s Tail Returns to Splash Mountain, More Fixed – A Maintenance Success Story

Tom Corless

PHOTOS, VIDEO: Brer Bear’s Tail Returns to Splash Mountain, More Fixed – A Maintenance Success Story

Less than 2 weeks after introduced the Weekly Walt Disney World Maintenance Report, we have a major success story to report.

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Brer Bear’s tail has been missing from this scene at Splash Mountain since at least the early 2000’s. Just days after we started the weekly maintenance report post, it has returned!

Our story doesn’t end there. Most of the other maintenance issues we reported for Splash Mountain at the Magic Kingdom were also fixed this week. We’ll detail these in next week’s report on Wednesday.

The true heroes of our story are those who made this happen. Whoever within the Walt Disney Company made this happen should be commended for bringing this attraction back to its expected standard. Myself and every park guest have you, however many were involved, to thank for a beautiful looking ride that reminds us why we love the parks so much.

We also need to thank so many of you who supported the creation of the weekly report. We hope to bring you more stories like this on a regular basis.

23 thoughts on “PHOTOS, VIDEO: Brer Bear’s Tail Returns to Splash Mountain, More Fixed – A Maintenance Success Story”

      • Hey Tom, one thing that I’ve noticed for years, which is also in the video featured here. Listen to the boy and girl rabbits in the background, they repeat the same line for each boat. “look yonder its brer rabbit” “and there goes brer fox and brer bear as usual” They used to have three lines each. I know another one they previously said was “hey look there goes brer rabbit” “that means brer fox and brer bear can’t be too far behind”. i can’t remember the third off the top of my head, but its the same common theme that every story “scene” has a 3 different lines for the different logs passing by.

      • I just wonder how purchasing an annual pass to a theme park makes you believe you’re such an important figure in the industry.

        • It doesn’t. Years of research, work, and care put this site where it is. With millions of pageviews a month, it would be ignorant to say does not play a pivotal role in what it covers. It can’t not at the size that it is. I do not claim to be an important figure, that is the narrative you have created on your own. You clearly are annoyed enough at visible results that you had to take to our comments section to try to detract from it. You’re entitled to your opinion, but given how long the tail was missing and the proximity of this to our post, I think it is HIGHLY unlikely that the two aren’t related.

  1. I’m so glad to hear this! One thing that wasn’t on your Fix-It Felix list was the bridge “drop” feature in Kilimanjaro Safaris. Is this broken or have they discontinued the effect because they no longer use the poacher storyline there?

    • This worked last week. I don’t believe it does it every time though. Honestly not sure if it’s supposed to. But in May, sept and this past week it worked while we were there. Multiple times.

  2. Wow, this is fantastic! Gives one such hope that the company is truly listening to us loyal fans who care deeply about preserving the parks for posterity! Keep up the great work!

  3. Yayyyyy!!!!
    Finally, so happy that this reports of maintenance are being fixed! Continue doing this, now we now they’re hearing you!

  4. I know I’ve ridden Splash several times in the last 15 years, and Beer Bear has been in this scene very time I rode it. You’re talking about Orlando, right? I don’t understand.

  5. I thought for sure the tale was on the black market with the hands of Buzzy!

    Living with the land had multiple issues with animals in the rainforest scene and the farm scene.

    In Spaceship Earth the paperboy is now turned away from guests and no longer moves. He has been like that for years. The space projection scene is so bright that you can see the safety railings and the triangles from the tiles

  6. Thank you so much for this! I’ve been going to WDW fairly regularly since I was literally a baby, and when I moved to FL of course I got an annual pass. I thought that I was losing my mind when I rode Splash Mountain the last few times I was there bc it seemed like everything was disjointed, and out of sync. I am really looking forward to my next visit to see the changes!

  7. The fact that these issues weren’t fixed until they were exposed in a fan blog shows the complete lack of operational leadership at the parks.

    If Iger and his stooges had to ride the monorail to work everyday, how long do you think it would take to replace them??

  8. Congratulations WDWNT! It’s unfortunate it takes social media embarrassment to invoke action but in the end, good is being done and coming from it. Can’t wait to see the weekly report!

  9. Wow! Good work! That’s great! When you pay so much to see these attractions, it’s nice to have them in full working order. I have no doubt it’s due to the article. People do it all the time on their local news. They take a story to the nightly news, and lo and behold, resolution. Power of the press! And yes, it is a first world problem for sure. I am very thankful to be where I am.

  10. Thanks for keeping us updated on the repairs. I really think it’s such a great idea to keep the list in the public eye and hope that the WDW management stays on top of getting the repairs done on a timely basis. Ignore the people who leave nasty comments Tom, know that most of us really do appreciate the effort that you put into keeping us updated on all things Disney.

  11. Tom, don’t worry about or respond to the negative comments on this. This was a great idea and you doing great work. If management cant get a grip on it, its got to start somewhere.

  12. Very cool! Did they fix the water effects in the Laughing Place segment as well? Would love to see the jumping water doing its thing again!

    Can’t stop thinking about the 400 ponytail holders at the summit of Everest as well, hopefully someone sweeps them up. I would volunteer if I lived closer LOL!!!

  13. Congratulation, Tom! Personally, I love the “Maintenance” posts. No issue can be addressed if it’s un-known or un-appreciated. Good work!

  14. Was it gone because it looked like a dingleberry or, worse, his manly bits? Cause that’s what it looks like.

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