PHOTOS: Robo-Newz and GCN Phone Booth Interactive Prop Areas Filled-In, Will Not Return to Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom

Tom Corless

PHOTOS: Robo-Newz and GCN Phone Booth Interactive Prop Areas Filled-In, Will Not Return to Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom

Tom Corless

PHOTOS: Robo-Newz and GCN Phone Booth Interactive Prop Areas Filled-In, Will Not Return to Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom

If you’ve been following our weekly maintenance report, you know that the interactive Robo-Newz and GCN phone booth in Tomorrowland have been broken for some time now. Last week, the two props went missing and the holes left in the ground in their absence were covered with plywood. Sadly, those holes were filled in with concrete as of yesterday…

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Here’s where the Robo-Newz robot statue once stood. The hole was filled in with pavement and now is just access to the electrical that once powered our favorite Newsie from the future.

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The GCN phone booth has suffered the same fate.

Here’s what the 1994 New Tomorrowland props looked like, in case you forgot:

tomorrowland f

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We know that Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom is heading in a new direction with TRON on the way, but will it be a prop-less barren wasteland of walkways? We’ll have to wait to find out.