With big plans for the upcoming Play Pavilion announced, Disney has officially closed off the former Wonders of Life complex and begun prepping for its massive overhaul. The upcoming new space will be devoted to playful fun and feature an innovative city that’ll come to life under the dome of the un-named pavilion previously known as Wonders of Life. We sent out a reporter today to assess the status of the building.
Currently, all that blocks the pathways are just ropes.
However, the area is now restricted to construction crews only, and not even Cast Members are allowed to cut through the backstage area here.
Newer guests may recognize the former Wonders of Life complex as the Festival Center. It was last used during the 2018 Food & Wine Festival, but has been closed ever since.
Stay tuned to WDWNT as we bring you daily construction updates for all the major projects going on throughout Epcot and across Disney Parks.