PHOTO REPORT: Disney Springs 6/14/19 (Toy Story Drop Demo, Treats at the Ganachery, B.B. Wolf’s Menu Changes, Flavors of Florida, ETC.)

Annie Wilson

The Claw machine facade photo op

PHOTO REPORT: Disney Springs 6/14/19 (Toy Story Drop Demo, Treats at the Ganachery, B.B. Wolf’s Menu Changes, Flavors of Florida, ETC.)

Welcome to a beautiful, overcast day here at Disney Springs. It looks like everyone else is out here shopping and avoiding potential rain with us. Let’s see what’s new around here!

World of Disney Stitch

Over at the kiosk across from Paddlefish, guests can stop by and try the new Toy Story Drop game.

Kiosk for Toy Story Drop Demo

The game station is set up to look like an arcade machine with coin slots, but you can play the demo for free. There are a few stations so multiple people can try the game at once.

Arcade machine facade for the demo

Toy Story Drop Demo Kiosk looks like an arcade machine
Actual guest, not a paid actor.

There’s even a fun photo op with the claw!

The Claw machine facade photo op

And when you try the demo, you get a fun PopSocket gift!

Pop Socket with Toy Story Drop logo, Buzz, and Woody.

We’re in the mood for more Toy Story now. Luckily, some new Toy Story and Imagination Pink Treats are now available at the Ganachery.

Toy Story Alien

milk chocolate covered marshmallow with yellow crispy pearls

chocolate pinata and mallet

B.B. Wolf’s Sausage Co. added a new hot dog to their menu! Unfortunately, it’s just a plain hot dog. But then we noticed another change. You now have the option to make some of the hot dogs a foot long for $2 more. It seems like now you’ll be able to order regular sized hot dogs, or upgrade to foot long hot dogs. This is a nice option.

Disney Springs Photo Report June13 8

Disney Springs Photo Report June13 5

Disney Springs Photo Report June13 6

If you’re looking to try some of the new Flavors of Florida, you’ll find signs at each of the locations detailing the special offerings. There’s everything from sweet, to savory, to sippable.

Florida Flavors Disney Springs 4

Blood Orange Mousse Dome

Southern Burger sign

We took a quick look over at the NBA Experience, but didn’t notice too many changes on the outside. They seem to be working on some electrical wiring.

construction worker in a scissor lift working on the electrical wiring

Oh, Pizza Ponte has Wine Pops and I have a lot of free time. It looks like this is where we part ways.

Wine Pops sign

Thanks for following us around Disney Springs on this rainy afternoon! Be sure to stay tuned for more photo reports and updates from around Disney Springs and more!