President Donald Trump to Attend GOP Fundraiser at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort in Florida

Derek Sterling

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President Donald Trump to Attend GOP Fundraiser at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort in Florida

Derek Sterling

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President Donald Trump to Attend GOP Fundraiser at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has shared that President Donald Trump will headline the state’s major annual Republican Party fundraiser. The Republican Party’s Statesman’s Dinner will be held on December 7th at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort in Walt Disney World.

Disneys Grand Floridian Resort Stock Photo 1

Last year, the event raised Florida Republicans $500,000 and is their preeminent fundraising event annually.

Spectrum News was the first to report the event would be held at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort.

46 thoughts on “President Donald Trump to Attend GOP Fundraiser at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort in Florida”

  1. This is terrible. I don’t believe that ANY politician right now should have an event so close to where there are families and where security is so stressful as it is! I can’t even imagine the crowds, security, road closures, the opening of Rise of the Resistance, etc. We are arriving on the 11th. I can only pray for the safety of everyone there prior to us arriving.

    • If you weren’t going to be there at the same time you wouldn’t give it a second thought. There is nothing wrong with POTUS or any other politician going to a resort in Disney World.

      • regardless of who the sitting POTUS is, it does create a massive headache for anyone within a 2 mile radius, between secret service presence, detours, etc.

      • I’m not going to be there. A fundraiser for any sitting president at “The Happiest Place On Earth” is not the right setting, and Disney should know better. Besides the security points mentioned above, there will be protesters, heightened awareness (as opposed to just shutting my brain off to relax), and it sends a pretty clear message that Disney is OK with politics entering WDW. I go there to get away from all of that stuff.

        I wouldn’t say I’m ‘outraged’ or anything, I just think it’s an extremely poor decision and is in bad taste.

        • Disney has hosted presidents before and will again. They are not doing it for free nor does it say anything about the company’s political positions. It’s just a business arrangement, same as a wedding or business conference. This was arranged by Florida Republicans, so that’s who to blame if you don’t think it’s the right venue.

    • I agree…..its not the place for it. People spend a lot of money to get away from reality for a few days…Walt wouldn’t approve!

    • We’re arriving on the 7th and we will be just fine, thank you very much! The meltdown over this would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Get a grip…the President is going to a fundraiser (as Presidents often do)…it’s not the end of the world, WDW or otherwise.

  2. Walt Disney World has an interesting history with visiting presidents. Nixon’s famous “I’m not a crook” speech was done right nearby at the neighboring Contemporary Resort. I’m definitely seeing a pattern…

    • Was Clinton there when he said I did not have sexual relations with that woman?? Biggest liar of them all!!!

      • Well, all politicians are liars, right? Thankfully, being a liar is not the same as being a bad president, as any Trump supporter will tell you.

  3. When i called the hotel to share feedback that i would not be staying at the hotel or visiting in the future because no politicians should be using Disney locations for fundraising i was told by the person answering the phone “I will not be passing that on, or giving you an email to share that with. Go Trump!” Then they hung up on me.

    • As someone who attends Disney World on a frequent basis and has family and friends who are cast members, I can say with a very high level of confidence that no cast member said that nor did they hang up on you.

    • Wherever they have the event, there are going to be security issues, so a Disney convention center isn’t any different. As long as they’re not having it in the parks or public areas, I don’t see a problem. The thing is, though, we know DJT is going to want to go out in public and visit guests if he can find a way.

    • I just got back from there yesterday and this sounds like a bunch of BS. Disney employees are exceptionally trained and I experienced nothing but professionalism. They would not comment on stuff like this. Stop spreading lies for your own political agenda

    • It’s interesting to watch how America is turning into less and less of a free country from the other side of the world. The Grand Floridian is a hotel, it’s a business, they have spaces they rent out for events. However, you expect them to turn down business because you disagree politically with the party hosting the event. Next, a vegan will be offended that Disney allows someone from the meat industry to host an event, and soon no one will be able to do anything in your country because everyone’s so busy being offended by everything. It’s honestly mind blowing to watch.

    • first off, I don’t believe that that’s an actual conversation for a second. Second off, it’s really sad and I feel sorry for you that you are so easily triggered that you would not not go to Disney anymore because Donald Trump was there. You seem like someone that yells at the Trump animatronic at HoP.

      I’m afraid you may be infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. A few rounds of penicillin should clear that up!!

    • I suggest you write snail mail letters detailing this conversation to 1. Norm Noble, general manager of the Grand Floridian; 2. George A. Kalogridis, President Of WDW; 3. Robert Iger, CEO of the Disney Company. Always write to the top to get anything done, and forget email–that’s pretty much ignored because so many cranks use it. Be respectful, but firm, and give them all the facts. It’s not going to change anything regarding the event, but employees might get firmly talked to. Bottom line for me: I wouldn’t put up with customer service as bad as that.

      • Why are you encouraging this person to write a letter lying about Disney Cast Members….I have been going to Disney since it opened in 1971…and have never had an encounter with a rude cast member…I do not believe this hater’s tale for a minute.

      • I have decades of experience interacting with Disney CMs and several who are friends. NO Disney employee would say such a thing, because it would mean immediate termination. The OP is clearly flogging a victim agenda a la Trump, the country’s greatest professional victim and whiner in chief.

  4. This is disappointing. Why don’t they have their Republican fundraiser at one of Trump’s properties? Hope they’re all gone before we arrive on the 12th. Disney is my escape from what these people are doing to our country.

    • I wouldn’t worry, Sheryl. We’re arriving on Dec 9th, only two days after this fundraiser, but I highly doubt it will affect any days immediately following it. From what I can tell, this should be a one-day event. I, for one, am grateful that our trip is timed to miss it, along with any security headaches it might cause resort guests.

      • That is just ridiculous. WDW is a destination for all kinds of conventions, conferences, etc. If this group wants to rent space at the Grand Floridian they should be treated no different. To deny access is discriminatory.

  5. Regardless of who is President, I just wish they’d think a little more about how much their movement inconveniences people.

    A few years ago I was trying to fly from Chicago to Orlando, changing planes in Philadelphia. When I got to Phili I find out my flight is delayed… because Obama was in Las Vegas. Whaaaat?! So because of that visit to Vegas, flights across the whole nation got delayed.

    Likewise, this appearance isn’t going to just interrupt people who are near that ballroom, but instead will ripple all over the area.

  6. I remember when Bill Clinton had a weird meeting with some kids, a secretary and a prince at Discovery Islander

  7. My family is scheduled to be in Magic Kingdom that day with dinner at Grand Floridian that night. It has been recommended that we reschedule dinner at 1900 Park Faire due to security and transportation problems. We made this reservation 6 months in advance, how do I disappoint 5 children wanting to meet Cinderella and Prince? Disney response when I called, “We don’t have any information on that” I asked them to check and after 10 minutes on hold they admitted that what I said was correct. Advised to allow 2 HOURS to travel from MK to Grand Floridian due to security. Are you kidding, when I became perturbed, agent said ” No reason to be upset” we have dealt with hurricanes and other natural disasters. Not too friendly. They could have done this in January when park is at lowest attendance, not during Christmas visits.

  8. This is awful! My nephew is getting married there that weekend and it’s now going to be a horror show! Just the transportation alone to get to our venue is gong to be a challenge!

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