PHOTOS: New Orange Bird Mural Debuts in Adventureland at the Magic Kingdom

Tom Corless


PHOTOS: New Orange Bird Mural Debuts in Adventureland at the Magic Kingdom

As Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom approaches its 50th birthday, some love is being shown for an adorable character from the park’s 5 decade history in the form of a new mural in Adventureland.


The mural can be found on the left side of the Sunshine Tree Terrace, very close to the entrance of the Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen.


The mural features The Little Orange Bird with a Citrus Swirl, surrounded by tropical flowers and with a smiling sun above him.


He is thinking “little sunny thoughts”, just like those mentioned in his theme song.


Walt Disney World Site Portfolio Executive Zach Riddley shared some insight on the mural’s addition this morning on Instagram:

The only proper way to draw The Little Orange Bird is definitely with a bird overseeing the process.

So, what do you think of this new mural? Seems like the perfect spot to photograph your Citrus Swirl, provided the line for the treat isn’t in the way.

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