Orange County, Florida Seeing 1,000 New COVID-19 Cases Per Day

Shannen Ace


Orange County, Florida Seeing 1,000 New COVID-19 Cases Per Day

Shannen Ace


Orange County, Florida Seeing 1,000 New COVID-19 Cases Per Day

Mayor Jerry Demings reported on Orange County, Florida’s current COVID-19 cases in a press conference today, saying, “we are in crisis mode.”

Orange County is seeing almost 1,000 new COVID-19 cases a day, which is about the highest peak the county saw in 2020. Demings is urging residents to get vaccinated. Approximately 61% of Orange County residents aged 12 and older have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Mayor Demings has also been urging businesses to require masks indoors again regardless of vaccination status. The county cannot enforce a mask ordinance due to legislature by Governor Ron DeSantis, but private businesses can. Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort have yet to make any changes to their current mask guidelines, which do not require vaccinated guests to wear them.

The 14-day rolling positivity rate in Orange County has more than tripled in the past month, currently sitting just under 14%. The state of Florida accounts for 20% of the country’s new COVID-19 cases.

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16 thoughts on “Orange County, Florida Seeing 1,000 New COVID-19 Cases Per Day”

  1. I knew this would happen. We’d be allowed to live normally for a short time. Then there would be a spike. The “unvaccinated” would be blamed and masks would be required again. Mob mentality ensues. Vaccine passports will be pushed again. The pharmaceutical companies get their billions. This simply does not make any sense. Our economy cannot survive another shutdown. Small businesses cannot close again. They can’t afford to alienate customers. Viruses mutate. They become more easily passed and less deadly. It’s how they stay alive. This sudden rush of infection feels more like strategic reporting. I’ve been vaccinated. To have to go back to mask wearing and then migraines and my rescue inhaler and my sons anxiety about having cloth on his face and the nightmares. I just can’t. This is a never ending nightmare.

    • Agree…..some points also. If the vaccines work then why should you have to mask up. You are protected by the vaccine. If you are worried about an unvaccinated person, don’t…you are protected. This is why people do not trust them.

      The virus will never fully go away…so I ask….at what point will this madness stop.
      What is the final numbers that we can live with? Seriously, we want to know.

      • Maybe when everyone who wants the vaccine can get it? I honestly think that’s the last point where a rational argument can be made in terms of prolonging the precautions on a massive scale (unless a variant shows up that evades the vaccines, is more deadly, etc, then who knows?)

      • Vaccinated wear masks to protect those without masks, IE: their children. Unvaccinated don’t care about their fellow human beings at all, because they can’t be inconvenienced for 5 minutes to get a shot even if it could save someone’s life.

  2. So, how are they doing? I hear from an Orlando health professional and locally here in Houston are both saying 99 percent of all covid issues are on the non vaccinated side. Masking up the vaccinated and recovered won’t help in the slightest.

    • Unfortunately, the only way to get the unvaccinated be honest and wear a mask is to make everyone mask. History as already proven this so which is why the CDC guidance to remove masks was premature.

    • Sure, except I can vaccinate my kids (both under 12yo) against the flu… but not COVID (thanks a lot, FDA!) Once EVERYONE who wants a vaccine for themselves and/or their kid(s) can get one, then you can make a legit “it’s just like the flu” argument (statistics would disagree, at least as far as death rates for the unvaccinated are concerned, but at that point, the unvaccinated have made their choice and I will have finally been allowed to make mine, so whatever).

  3. Just wanted to thank all the licensed doctors for posting here today. You’re thoroughly researched information is very much appreciated.

  4. “They” say that getting vaccinated doesn’t prevent you from getting the virus, just the symptoms. So the vaccinated are all Typhoid Marys. When an unvacc gets it, they get sick and quarantine. Vaccinated gets it, doesn’t know, and spreads it all over.

    • @Chris

      Yup, I just read that this morning in business insider. It’s also in a couple of other articles too. Just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you’re not getting it or spreading it. It’s unfortunately just like the flu shot. You can get it, but it’s no guarantee you won’t get the flu, spread the flu, etc. #whatelseisnew

    • “they” say a lot. “they” keep trying to change medicine. We have studied Covid viruses for over 100 years. We are not reinventing the wheel. Lots of lies. Ask anyone in medicine. If they speak out they are threatened with losing their jobs and they are silenced on social media. (first-hand experience sadly). Flus are NOT a-symtomatic. Fact.

  5. Our entire family got back from Disney World on Thursday, July 22nd. Daughter & Son-In-Law, his parents and two grandkids. Eight of us had a great time but I started getting sniffles, cough & low grade fever on July 21st. Got home and tested positive for COVID. All of the adults have had their shots. All 8 of us have COVID and are in quarantine. Mild symptoms but certainly a pain. Never thought it would happen.

  6. As a full-timer and a person “in the know” as our business is data and analytics, let me just say what they do not report is the almost ZERO deaths from the covid flu. We have come a long way and all our natural immune systems work better when exposed to daily living with extra handwashing etc. (yes we have an immunologist in the family also) I applaud Disney for standing their ground and allowing people to BE FREE to decide to wear a mask, gloves, stay home or all of the above. This is NEVER GOING AWAY, folks. So whether you think this is political or not -we have to enjoy the life we have every day!

    Try not to let the half stories and panic get to you. Oh and do not forget that WDW and Florida, in general, has been this summer’s MECCA! Very few traveling overseas or to islands or cruising… so guess where everybody went? Yup the FREE STATE with few restrictions, great weather, and activities.

  7. People just need to get the vaccine for crying out loud. I haven’t been to WDW since October of 2019 and all these stupid people don’t want to be vaccinated because “VacCCIneS TrACk yOU” is not a valid reason.

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