Disneyland Legacy Passholder Twitter Account Comes to an End

Charly Shelton

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Disneyland Legacy Passholder Twitter Account Comes to an End

Charly Shelton

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Disneyland Legacy Passholder Twitter Account Comes to an End

It’s the end of an era. Early this year, Disney announced the closing of their Annual Pass program, and despite the extension of merchandise discounts, the program has gone defunct in every other way. Now the last vestige of the program has also met its end.


And just like that, it’s over. What was once a main source of information for Disneyland on a moment-to-moment basis, is now no longer being monitored.

The Magic Key program that was recently announced will keep a “frequent visitor program” of some type going, though in a different schema. With reservation dates, number of concurrent reservation limits and a 90-day-window of booking availability, the days of getting an announcement on the Disneyland AP Twitter and popping down to the park are a thing of the past. However, the return of some type of frequent visitor program has many guests very excited, as a bastion of return to park normalcy. Will you be buying a Magic Key when they go on sale this weekend? Let us know in the comments below.