“Unprecedented Times” Announcement Removed From Universal Orlando Resort Security Area


Since reopening last summer, Universal Orlando Resort has had audio announcements play periodically throughout CityWalk and the theme parks, reminding guests to follow health and safety guidelines. One announcement, which referenced today’s “unprecedented times,” played on repeat when going through security. It has now been removed and music is all you will hear when on … Read more

Magic Kingdom Changes Mask Mandate Audio Reminders to Reflect New Policy


With the mask mandate at the parks starting to relax, it seems the Magic Kingdom has changed the audio reminder informing guests of the new COVID-19 safety mandates currently in place. Take a listen here: For comparison, last year we reported on the audio reminder that formerly greeted guests at the parks. This newer announcement … Read more

VIDEO: EPCOT Debuts Diverse New Narrators for Park-Wide Face Mask Requirement Announcement


The Walt Disney World audio announcement about face coverings and social distancing has been updated once again, this time narrated by a number of diverse new narrators, including the talented voiceover actor (and Disney Parks personality) Mark Daniel. Of course, the announcements reiterate that face coverings must be worn at all times, including when taking … Read more

Walt Disney World Asks Guests to Reschedule if Unable to Properly Wear Face Masks at all Times


Walt Disney World has updated verbiage on their “Know Before You Go” landing page to further stress the importance of properly wearing a face mask in the parks and throughout property. If guests are unable to commit to wearing acceptable face coverings over their nose and mouth at all times, Disney asks that they simply … Read more

VIDEO: Walt Disney World Updates Theme Park Audio Announcement to State Guests “Will Be Asked to Leave” if Not Properly Wearing Face Masks


The audio announcement that periodically plays at Walt Disney World theme parks reminding guests to follow health and safety guidelines has been updated once again. This update states that guests not following face mask guidelines will be asked to leave. Below is the transcript of the announcement. For the health and safety of everyone, face … Read more

PHOTO REPORT: EPCOT 9/10/20 (Updated Face Mask Audio Announcement, New Coco Keychain, Flavors From Fire Ready To Open, and More)


Hello from a rainy day at EPCOT! Even a rainy day at Disney is better than a sunny day not at Disney, am I right? We found some interesting things today, so let’s get started! While over the holiday weekend and for the few days before and after line up at the parking gate was … Read more

VIDEO: Updated Walt Disney World Park Announcement Reminds Guests to Wear Face Masks Unless Eating or Drinking While Stationary

face mask update signage

Just days after Walt Disney World modified its face mask policy, the in-park audio announcement has been updated to reflect the change. The spiel now reminds guests that guests may only remove face masks to eat and drink while sitting or standing stationary, a change that went into effect last Saturday. Below is a transcript … Read more