Several Guests Caught with Loaded and Unloaded Guns at Walt Disney World

Cinderella Castle

People are still getting caught bringing guns to Walt Disney World. At least five people were arrested for carrying a concealed firearm toward the end of 2021, according to Orange County Sheriff’s Office records released this week. It’s becoming one of the most common arrests at Walt Disney World. Disney posts the rules listing guns, … Read more

WDWNT Daily Recap (6/14/21): Disneyland Changes Mask and Physical Distancing Policies, Arrests For Firearms Increased at Walt Disney World, Lieutenant Bek Missing From Finale of Rise of the Resistance, and More


We bring you a lot of stories every single day. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up. So in case you missed anything from our feed, we have rounded up all our stories in one place to get the news at a glance. Here is your Daily Recap for Monday, June 14, 2021. Walt Disney World … Read more

Gun Confiscated at Magic Kingdom Security Checkpoint After Guest Forgot Weapon in His Bag

Cinderella’s Castle

A 35-year-old Missouri man was stopped at Magic Kingdom bag check after it was discovered there was a weapon in his bag. According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, the man and his wife told security at bag check that they had an unloaded pistol in their bag. This incident occurred on December 28, 2019, … Read more

Guest Arrested at Disney’s Animal Kingdom for Possessing a Firearm

Nathan Polit of Boynton Beach was arrested Sunday for possessing a firearm at the security checkpoint at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Polit claims he forgot to remove the 9 mm pistol from his backpack after taking it out of his car the night before. Polit was stopped at the … Read more

UPDATE: Woman Attempted to Bring Gun into Animal Kingdom Monday, Same Day as Epcot Incident

As it turns out, our first report Monday of a person bringing a loaded weapon into a Walt Disney World Theme Park was correct.  There were actually two incidents Monday morning, one at Epcot and one at Animal Kingdom.  We had initially reported the Animal Kingdom incident, news of which we received from an inside … Read more