Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Jorge Castilla

Nick LoCicero

Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Jorge Castilla

Destination Vinylmation: We featured Jorge Castilla in a previous spotlight article and now he is back with some new customs. Jorge, we appreciate you sharing your work with the the DV audience.

Jorge: Thank you for having me back as a featured custom artist. I’m very enthusiastic to share the vinyls I’ve been working on since we’ve last met and some vinyls to come!

DV: Hey, I see a new flavor at Star Ducks Cafe. Tell us about it.

Jorge: The second flavor of the Star Ducks line is Mocha! It’s a darker more chocolaty looking vinyl then the last “coffee” looking Star Ducks vinyl. Each SD Mocha vinyl is very individual too! Every one of them has a unique chocolate topping applied differently to each. That way if you choose you’d like more then one you know each of them will have their own personality! Due to the success and overwhelming demand of the first flavor, I expanded the number of production for this second flavor. The original Star Ducks was made to a limit of 20. This flavor however is limited to 50. Each is signed and numbered and comes with an Artist Card that is also signed and numbered. Just like all my other vinyls.

DV: I love the character this new flavor has. Have you thought about making the chocolate syrup being raised up as bumps on the surface instead of just being painted on?

Jorge: It actually is raised! I use a thick paint for the topping. I use a similar paint for the *Slimed* Lonesome Ghostbuster Mickey variants too that actually glows in the dark!

DV: We have heard other artists talking bout all the time it takes to produce customs. When you are getting a lot of orders in and have to keep production moving, how many cups of coffee do you go through?

Jorge: Man, It’s become close to a fulltime job. But it’s something I really enjoy doing. There’s a sense of achievement each time I finish one of my customs and knowing someone’s going to enjoy them. It take a lot of time though. Especially with my vinyls becoming more elaborate.

DV: Tell us about this robot mickey looking custom.

Jorge: Mecha Mickey is the latest of my current releases. He’s like a wind-up toy! He has a spring-loaded crank on his back too. It’s funny because I was working on this custom in the conceptual stages for awhile. Figuring out how I was going to make the antenna on top, what colors I’m going to use… Then suddenly Disney released a “Robots” line of vinyls. I thought oh dang I better finish some of these already!

It’s my first custom using the “new mold”. Most people I’ve shown it to don’t notice till I say something because of all the additional details I tacked on. The response has been quite nice so far. Did you know the feet on the new mold pop off? Man that makes it sooo much easier to paint them if someone’s the type of custom artist that uses spray-paint or air- brush.

DV: I enjoy collectibles that reference Disney movies without blatantly being that Disney movie. Your new Grape Soda custom is exactly what I mean by that. Talk about the inspiration for this figure.

Jorge: Yeah, I like references that are more of a nod or wink at a movie just as much if not more then I appreciate artwork that is straight up a character from a movie. Making a soda bottle vinyl I feel is something that a certain group of people will clamor for at first glance. You know, the type of person that has to have their movie in wide-screen and watch all the commentaries & bonus features (like me). The more casual fan may look at it and think “meh, it’s just a bottle.” But when they inspect it further and see that bottle cap on top they’ll be like oh yeah! From the movie, UP! That’s what I’m hoping for. Expect the Grape Soda Vinyl to release in mid September.

UP is one of my favorite Pixar films. It’s actually a favorite for me and my girlfriend. We even dressed up as Carl and Kevin (the bird) for Mickey’s Trick or Treat Party at Disney’s California Adventure a few years ago!

When listening to one of your pod casts I chuckled when one of you went on about how depressing UP is. I think it’s one of those films that tells you your adventure continues regardless of the storms you’ve endured, and that you can still make something of the time you have regardless of where you’re at in your life. Oddly enough, for a movie revolving around a house flying using helium balloons, it’s also very grounded in reality.

DV: Are you making these using the clear chaser figures?

Jorge: That’s a trade secret I’m afraid.

DV: I enjoy an ice cold Moxie every now and then. What’s your favorite soda?

Jorge: Water please! Haha it’s actually rare for me to have a soft drink.

DV: Any more Pixar figures on the horizon?

Jorge: Most definitely. I have a couple concepts I’m still playing with. Some Pixar and some more original. For those interested in following my work closely check out my Facebook page devoted to my customs!

DV: Thanks for the update on your work.

Jorge: It’s always a pleasure. Thanks again for the opportunity! Keep up the great work you guys do too!

7 thoughts on “Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Jorge Castilla”

  1. They’re nice figures but I am sceptical on how he keeps it a secret where he gets the clear figures from, did he make a mold out of the vinylmation? Because if he’s making his own production of Vinylmations then they’re not authentic Vinylmation figures from Disney and he needs to disclose that information to the people spending their hard earned money on those figures.

  2. @Barbie…
    I would guess that he is using the Vinylmation “Big Eyes” Buzz figure for these customs :)

  3. Th for featuring me again, DV!

    I don’t make my own molds. I make my customs out of authentic vinylmations. Unofficial molds = piracy, and that’s not an option for me. :)

  4. I just purchased and received the 14th figure in the Star Ducks Mocha series. Jorge, I LOVE IT!!! Clever, adorable and very well done. I will certainly be back for more. When can we expect more Star Duck customs??? Keep them coming!!

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