WDW 2012 Marathon Vinylmation

Nick LoCicero

WDW 2012 Marathon Vinylmation

Here is a look at the new WDW Marathon, Half Marathon and Goofy’s Race Vinylmation. This year’s versions are in the style of stopwatches and like in year’s past, there will be a spot to write your time on the back. The should be available in early January.

WDW 2012 Marathon
WDW 2012 Half Marathon
9″ WDW 2012 Goofy’s Race

2 thoughts on “WDW 2012 Marathon Vinylmation”

  1. Cool figures. Wonder if they’ll have one eventually for the Refrigerator Dash. Only one I’ll never compete in.

    19:28:00….. I see what you did there.

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