WDWNT Reporter Zach Larson visited the Magic Kingdom on Tuesday and has some newsworthy photos to share with us, including another look at the new Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom attraction:
Package pick-up on Main Street is under tarps
Christmas decorations are still up…
Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom is set to test every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday until it officially opens
Zach’s cards
The bakery behind tarps
It looked so real…
While the parlor is closed, you can get pre-packaged ice cream treats
The Main Street bridge is being repaired
Sorcerers window in Fantasyland
Stroller parking is a mess while Fantasyland construction continues
Ariel story
Still not entirely sure how this projection even happens…
Flotsam and Jetsam
Dumbo is now closed and behind walls
The Sunshine Tree Terrace is still behind tarps
Genie in Adventureland
Iago returns to Adventureland attractions… YAY!
These have been here for a while, but a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean movie nods have been added to Tortuga Tavern
Familiar hats…
Merlin is on the Jungle Cruise!
Pecos Bill’s facade is still behind tarps
The old menu at Golden Oak Outpost has returned… is it possible that they listened to us?
Frontierland Trading Post behind tarps
Merlin on the Liberty Belle
Princess and the Frog story
This is another one of those surprising windows… how do they do it
Another look at Main Street bridge work
Last look at Christmas decorations
A new sign… but people still don’t read…
I think the projections on those sorcerer windows are done similarly to how they do the cave wall effect on SSE now. It's projected from behind and the screen is painted so perfectly that it looks like it's another type of material. Could be wrong… :)
That's exactly what I was going to say. It looks almost like it's scrim, a fabric that you can't see through when light is shining on the front, but when you project or shine light from behind, you can see through it.
Does is feel different if you touch it? Does your hand cast a shadow?