New Japan Vinyls To Release 7/1

Nick LoCicero

New Japan Vinyls To Release 7/1

More great looking Vinylmation from Japan are coming soon. Thanks to @Vinylmati0n for this info and picture. On July 1, we can expect these 2 figures featuring Mickey and Minnie with accessory fans. They will retail for 1,200 YEN or about $15.

5 thoughts on “New Japan Vinyls To Release 7/1”

  1. anywhere we can find the source? any magazine or website for information?
    DIsneyfans magazine cannot find it.

    • We had the picture sent to us. From the background, the screen shot appears to be taken from the Japan Disney Store website but a look around that site and I couldn’t find it.

  2. thanks for reply, just want to know it is available in the theme park or disney store.
    appreciated if anyone can provide such information. thank you.

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