Bad Taste in Collector’s Mouths

Nick LoCicero

Bad Taste in Collector’s Mouths

Just when we thought the Comic Con release issues were in the past, the today made the 8 “Comic Con Exclusive” So Tasty figures available for purchase online.

According to the Vinylmation blog back on July 10th these were “very limited edition” and only “250 available of each design” at SDCC. Unfortunately, there is no mention of a limited edition size on the listing for these figures. The product shot does however show the Comic Con logo on the box.

So where exactly does the truth lie with these 8 Comic Con So Tasty figures? Was there a quantity of the 250 left over that they decided to sell online? It is really hard for me to believe there were any of these $10 figures left over from Comic Con. It seemed collectors and re-sellers where buying these up like candy. Maybe in some technical speak only 250 were available at Comic Con but the original production run was in fact much higher? That is possible, just would be nice if they were honest about that from the outset. Or how about the speculation that the 250 LE only applied to figures sold on site with the SDCC logo on the box? Again, valid. It still gives collectors something to look for, but what about the SDCC logo on the production shot online? Or, the most dreaded of all, will all who order these and get a confirmation wake up tomorrow to a “sorry, these were not available at the time of your purchase” email from the Disney Store? All these questions are valid, and they all have issues and more questions attached to them. But one of the most important questions is how upset are buyers who paid upwards of $500 on eBay for a full set of 8?

One way or another, it seems like the Vinylmation collectors were mislead once again. Just looking at screen shots from Disney’s own Vinylmation Blog shows either a misscommunication or misdirection somewhere along the way.

Your thoughts on the SDCC Comic Con So Tasty 8?

12 thoughts on “Bad Taste in Collector’s Mouths”

  1. This is crazy. I’d be outraged if I had gone on ebay buying these thinking they were LE. Disney needs to make this right some how. Even if its just a formal apology to those that they mislead that ended up getting robbed!

    • I’m not saying it is Disney’s fault people overpaid, but I am saying the inflated eBay prices were purely based on a LE size of 250.

    • I agree with you 100%. If you’re dumb enough to spend $500-600 on a set of 8 vinylmations that JUST came out less than a week ago, then you deserve to not hold onto your money IMO.

      “A fool and his money never stay together long”

  2. I agree that the wording should be crystal clear with no hidden gimmicks, but if you didn’t like them, why would you buy them at SDCC? It’s probably to make a quick buck in the future off of someone who really enjoys the “So Tasty” line. I don’t feel bad for those people.

  3. The question is, why would you even pay ridiculous amounts for something so recent, when it’s obvious these will stick around like most other vinyls save for a select few?

    I swear, some people just can’t grasp the concept of patience.

    • The question is how do we know there aren’t only 250 of each? Maybe they weren’t all sold at SDCC

      • That could be true, but I highly doubt it. As of this posting, all of the comic-con exclusive So Tasty vinylmations are still available. If 2000 LE UP vinylmations went in 30 minutes, I would think LE 250 $10 vinyls would sell out over the course of a day.

        • Actually “Cherry Freeze” sold out this afternoon, so who knows how many were actually brought to SDCC and how many are on With a max of 2 per order, I think they will all be gone soon…but for how long is the real question.

  4. I agree with you WOT. Patience is a virtue (that’s a good thing folks). I haven’t seen any vinyls produced by Disney other than one of kinds that are available after a period time. With today’s production numbers of vinyls very few are so popular that they are worthy of such high prices like the So Tasty LEs are. Check out all of those LE 300 pins that Disney produces. Most, not all, are way more reasonable than Day 1 secondary prices.

    Also, keep in mind this about the eBay buyers of the high priced final bids of the LE So Tastys….they were o Lu doing what Disney suggested on their blog entry shown above. They said get them while they’re HOT. That’s all those buyers were doing. LOL

  5. Here we go again another debacle. I accept that mistakes happern in any buisness however, to continue to make the same types of mistakes over and over again is unacceptable. This is nothing new to thoses of us in the hobby that have been around since the beginning! Regardless of past DS Presidents, current DS Presidents, the fact remains that the DS website is inadaquate to handle special Vinylmation releases. We crashed the site the other night during the Figment Variant release.

    Secondly, the lack of timely/correct information is sorely missing at They are on Facebook and twitter and could easily relay information to us with little effort! They either don’t care or really have no idea what is actually going on within their company as t pertains to Vinylmation! I love collecting Vinylmation and will continue to try purchase certain Vinylmation products from because I don’t live in Orlando or Anahiem. But boy as the article states these issues really leave a bad taste in my mouth!

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