SDCC So Tasty Update

Nick LoCicero

SDCC So Tasty Update

The Playwright wrote into us because he just received his SDCC So Tasty Vinylmation in the mail from the Disney Store Online.

I got my whole set of 8 comic con “exclusives” in the mail today.  As per your request on the podcast, here is a picture of the front and back of the vinyl.

It does have the comic con sticker and nowhere does it say it’s limited edition of any kind.

The Playwright

5 thoughts on “SDCC So Tasty Update”

  1. I got mine last week as well.I still think they were limited edition just not listed and I will tell you why.
    1.-Everyone thinks these should have sold out faster at sdcc because of the low LE, however,250/ each is still 2000 when you multiply it by 8 figures.(a point I’ve never heard anyone mention)
    2.No one new these would be at sdcc until it was too late to get tickets so only comics nerds who just happen to be vinylmation nerds would pick theses up.(which is not so easy a thing to do when you payed so much to get into sdcc and everybody is selling something you actually came there for)
    3.As a non vinylmation collector who just happened to see them at sdcc why pay for the LE when they were giving away free vinyls?
    4.This is more speculation than the others but, just like everything else about vinylmation at sdcc this seemed last minute and not fully thought out.the stickers that say sdcc exclusive are generic and could probably be used by any vendor.(unlike my pop vinyl exclusive from last year which actually had a mickey shaped sdcc sticker that said D23 authentic)
    5.They did sell out quick when they went online.

    • I agree with you that they were limited edition, but I believe that there were more then 250 of each. I say 500 of each maybe. People forget that they did sell out rather quickly online with a limit of only 2 per guest.

      I have a feeling that DS did this to spark interest in the six So Tasty series that is currently at retail, because they weren’t/aren’t selling.

  2. I do find it interesting that on the Vinylmation blog says “Disney Store will release two (2) figures during each day of Comic Con.” as opposed to “Disney Store will release two (2) of these very limited-edition figures during each day of Comic Con.” when it was first posted.

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