Photos from Test Track Cast Member Previews!

Tom Corless

Photos from Test Track Cast Member Previews!

WDWNT Reporter Adam Roth got to experience the new Test Track presented by Chevrolet during a cast men her preview recently and he has photos of the new attraction to share with is, so let’s see what’s inside!:

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 The new entrance

 The new trashcans have the World of Motion logo on them

The Chevy ENV in the first queue room

The four categories of the tests are displayed as well, we assume cars from each category will go on display below these

It is the Chevrolet Design Studio at Epcot

More queue displays

 As kids talk, the car below is transformed into what they dream up through projection mapping

You are prepared for the design process ahead

Guests are then loaded into one of two design studios

Into the design studio

Car or truck?

You then draw the basic shape of the car which you can then have the computer optimize

You can then drag the lines to see if there is a better shape for your vehicle

You can make the car shorter or longer

Wider or thinner

Select an engine


Add a fun design

Select tires

There are some TRON pieces you can add to your vehicle

There are literally thousands of possibilities for your vehicle

As you design it, you can see how each decision made in the design process effects the final scoring in each category

Get ready to test your design!

There is a short queue after the Design Studio

More World of Motion logos!

You then scan your RFID card at the load platform

After you are done riding, you can find out your score


You can see where cars are out on the track

The next room allows you to create a commercial

It’s not working yet, but the driving tables are after that

If you don’t ride, you can still design a car and play around in the post-show

The showroom is after that

You can film all kinds of fun ads with the cars on display using your RFID card

Spaceship Earth!

New Test Track t-shirts available

Let’s take a look at the ride!

The hill climb

Large walls with projections now block views into the rest of the ride

The blocks are gone on the way down as we descend smoothly into the ride

Stay tuned for on-ride video and more coverage coming very soon!

2 thoughts on “Photos from Test Track Cast Member Previews!”

  1. Looks kind of disappointing for those of us who loved test track, the original. Bet the wait will be a lot shorter once the word is out, eh?

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