PHOTOS: DisneyQuest Demolition Ramps Up for New NBA Experience at Disney Springs

Tom Corless

PHOTOS: DisneyQuest Demolition Ramps Up for New NBA Experience at Disney Springs

PHOTOS: DisneyQuest Demolition Ramps Up for New NBA Experience at Disney Springs

With the concept art released yesterday for the new NBA Experience at Disney Springs, it is quite the coincidence that the most violent phase of the Disney Quest demolition so far began yesterday afternoon:

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A view from the Orange Garage shows that most of this side of the building is gone now.

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The question now is if any of the steel frame will remain to be used or is this a total building demolition.

photos disneyquest demolition ramps up for new nba experience at disney springs

If you look close enough, you can see the Ventureport area, with many of the rings that circled around it still in place.

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