Get WDWNT Updates Directly To Your Phone or Tablet with Apple News and Google News


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Get WDWNT Updates Directly To Your Phone or Tablet with Apple News and Google News

We’re always looking for new ways to get the latest news directly to you without any hassle or difficulties. We are happy to announce that WDW News Today is now available on Apple News and Google News for both iOS and Android devices.

Apple News

Currently only available for iOS users, but is very easy to setup and follow WDWNT. If you’re on an iOS device, click this link here to open up our Apple News feed and click on the “red heart” to subscribe to our channel and get the latest updates from us directly on your iOS devices. Alternatively, you can open the Apple News app and search for WDW News Today.

Apple News

Google News

Google News is available for iOS and Android users. If you search on Google News, your results will now include relevant content from If you like your news on the go, you can search for our stories via the Google News app for iPhone and Android. The app also allows you to customize your preferences to find the latest news from


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