REVIEW: New Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese Rock ‘n’ Rolls Into Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Annie Wilson

REVIEW: New Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese Rock ‘n’ Rolls Into Disney’s Hollywood Studios

We worked up quite an appetite riding Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster at Disney’s Hollywood Studios earlier today. We decided to stop by KRNR The Rock Station to grab something to eat and discovered macaroni and cheese has been added to the menu. We have our choice of buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese or chili macaroni and cheese.

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Of course we had to try the new buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese!

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KRNR The Rock Station is the little cart located near the exit of Rock ‘N Rollercoaster. The cart offers hot dogs, nachos, and a few other snacks and beverages. We spotted the addition of two new items on a sign near the register. They now have buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese or chili macaroni and cheese for $7.49.

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Buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese sounds like the perfect thing for a rainy day. The cup is full of mac and cheese and topped by a heaping portion of buffalo chicken, chunks of bleu cheese, and green onions. There is so much chicken crammed into this meal, it looks amazing.

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The macaroni and cheese tastes like your basic Disney mac you can find anywhere. There’s a lot of chicken, but it sadly has no taste. The buffalo flavor is non existent. This is a real shame since the only redeeming quality is the bleu cheese, and even that was milder than expected.

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It is a nice sized portion of chicken and macaroni and cheese and it will fill you up, but it’s pretty bland in taste.

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Perhaps they need to reimagine this food and throw it all on top of a hot dog. These mac n cheese options might do for a quick snack while you’re waiting at the exit of Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, but they’re nothing worthy of backstage passes. We would strongly suggest a visit to Disney Springs for some quality mac n cheese from their food truck instead.