Earlier in the year, we found out that a spin-off prequel series to the 2017, live-action “Beauty and the Beast” movie is in the works. The series, which is set to be released on Disney+, will star Luke Evans and Josh Gad reprising their roles as Gaston and Le Fou, hopefully exploring the origins of the iconic duo. Now, a recent tweet shared by Gad has teased further production developments into the series, as if we weren’t excited enough already.
Gad says that he ‘may or may not have heard a few new [Alan Menken] songs for something in the works’. In a recent interview, legendary composer Alan Menken confirmed that he was working on new music for the new series, and from the tweet, it is safe to assume that Gad has heard them, and approves. The screenshot he included featuring Le Fou basically doing jazz hands just about confirms it.
So far, no other information has been revealed as to when the show will hit our screens, although we sure are glad to hear that the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t been stopping Menken and the cast from production.
Will Le Fou be the Conductor?!?