Disney Imagineers continue to add final details to what will become a goat exhibit. The exhibit, located just before the end of the Kilimanjaro Safaris attraction, began to take shape in mid August. The small building features a weathered appearance that has been added over the past month. Now, additional rocks have been added to the retaining wall.
The retaining wall to the structure’s left has been covered with rock work. A close look also reveals a metal post driven into the ground. This post could be an electrical conduit.
The building has been weathered using multiple techniques.
The back retaining wall on the building’s right side has yet to be completed. Additional metal pipes have been driven into the ground on this side as well.
This overview shows the exhibit’s size. Site grading appears to be complete.
Harambe Wildlife Reserve guides are telling guests that researchers have been building the structure for awhile. The guides state that they are unsure what it is or when it will open.
Check WDWNT.com frequently for additional updates. In the meantime, you can use our commenting feature to tell us what you think of this new structure.
Are these goats coming from the affection section at Rafiki’s Planet Watch? Or will they be a brand new species?