Thousands More Walt Disney World Cast Members Laid Off in Another Wave of Emails

Jessica Figueroa


Thousands More Walt Disney World Cast Members Laid Off in Another Wave of Emails

Amidst the excitement of newly-announced reimagined Walt Disney World entrances, even more devastating news of layoffs continues to surface, with thousands of Cast Members now impacted by yet another wave of layoff emails, part of the already-announced 28,000 Cast Member layoffs affecting domestic Disney Parks employees.

Cast Members affected include those in the Entertainment, Transportation, Merchandise, and Food & Beverage departments. Similar to earlier communication sent to part-time and seasonal Cast, the emails are generic, with the header “Dear Cast Member” instead of each individual’s name.

6 thoughts on “Thousands More Walt Disney World Cast Members Laid Off in Another Wave of Emails”

  1. This is so terrible. I sure hope the end game for the powers that be is worth what it cost the “little guys”. I still can’t believe this is happening in America. It’s just sick.

  2. All of these layoff articles are encouraging cast members to go be executives. Probably a good idea, I heard they get paid more.

  3. I am so disappointed in what Disney is doing. They are wrecking the parks and driving the people away. There are safe ways to keep shows and eating places open. The world is not ending, we just need to change with it. Come on Disney, you have the best thing going in the USA yet you keep reducing and cutting. Many of us are serious Disney fans that love going to the parks and we will adjust to avoiding large crowds like fireworks. You can allow more people in and for God sakes return the fast passes and Park hopping. Just opening the park is not enough, we must be able to enjoy it. Please Please Please stop cutting and eliminating things.

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