PHOTOS: Crane Arrives Behind Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom

Shannen Ace


PHOTOS: Crane Arrives Behind Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom

As we previously reported it would, a crane has been parked behind Cinderella Castle in Magic Kingdom. The crane will be used for installing the rest of the castle’s 50th anniversary decorations now that the final piece of bunting was installed on the first level.


The crane is surrounded by construction walls and wedged between Cinderella Castle and Sir Mickey’s. Both Cinderella’s Royal Table and Sir Mickey’s remain open.


We saw some Imagineers coming out of the crane’s walled-off section.


Right now, the crane is in a down position, so it won’t be messing up any castle photos on Main Street, U.S.A.


The crane’s arrival may mean we’ll be seeing more decorations for “The World’s Most Magical Celebration” in the next few days. How do you feel about the decorations? Let us know in the comments.

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