Entertainment Weekly has shared the first photos from inside the Worlds of Marvel restaurant and Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge aboard the Disney Wish. We have seen concept art for the spaces before, but not actual photos.
In Worlds of Marvel, guests will experience “Avengers: Quantum Encounter,” an interactive show starring Ant-Man and The Wasp. As shown in the new photo, there are screens on the walls of the restaurant to show scenes from Marvel movies and scenes from the show that take place outside of the restaurant — like a giant seagull attacking the Disney Wish. Ant-Man and The Wasp will walk around the restaurant and visit guests at their tables. Each table will have its own Quantum Core — the glowing cylinder seen in the photos above — described as “a brand-new device that can cause objects to shrink and grow remotely.”
Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge will be an immersive space open to families during the day and adults only at night. The photo showcases the screens behind the bar that create the illusion of a window looking out into space. Different planets and ships from the “Star Wars” universe will appear on the screen as it periodically makes hyperjumps through the galaxy. In the photo, we can see TIE Fighters and Mustafar in the distance. Cocktails at Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge will be inspired by different eras of the “Star Wars” galaxy.
What are you most excited to see aboard the Disney Wish? Let us know in the comments.
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