The Mickey Shorts Theater at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, featuring the original “Vacation Fun” short, has reopened after a month-long refurbishment.
Mickey Shorts Theater
The theater was closed from April 29 to May 25 for general maintenance. The Mickey Shorts Theater is a reimagined version of the former ABC Sound Stage, which hosted “Sounds Dangerous!” and “Star Wars: Path of the Jedi.” The Mickey Shorts Theater opened with “Vacation Fun” in 2020 to coincide with the opening of Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway.
“Vacation Fun” combines scenes from various modern “Mickey Mouse” shorts as Mickey reflects on previous vacations.
There have been various “soft goods” updates at Disney’s Hollywood Studios theaters recently. Earlier this year, the Walt Disney Theater at Walt Disney Presents was closed for a month, reopening with new seating and carpet. Last year, Muppet*Vision 3D received new upholstery. The Animation Courtyard theater will be refreshed with the opening of the new show “The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure” this fall.
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