Rex From Toy Story Meet and Greet Coming to Shanghai Disney Resort

Phil Wood

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A person in a green dinosaur costume stands in an event space, holding the sides of their face with both hands. Brightly colored lights are visible in the background.

Rex From Toy Story Meet and Greet Coming to Shanghai Disney Resort

Shanghai Disney Resort shared via their official Instagram account that a new Rex character meet and greet is coming to the resort.

Rex Character Meet and Greet

Beginning on June 16, a new Rex character meet and greet will be available to guests at Shanghai Disney Resort. This will be a limited-time offering. An end date has not yet been announced.

A person dressed in a green dinosaur costume stands with their hands on the sides of their head. The background appears to be a brightly lit, colorful amusement park.

Rex made his debut in the 1995 film Toy Story. Though he is based on one of the fiercest predators to ever live, Rex is quite tame, friendly, and filled with anxiety.

All of Rex’s traits are on display in the reel shared via Instagram. He is startled when he notices someone walking up behind him. He then screams while standing nervously in front of Al’s Toy Barn, where guests will be able to meet him starting tomorrow.

Rex is the latest character guests can meet at the resort. Earlier this year, Shanghai Disney Resort opened Castle Encounters allowing guests to meet various princesses.

Are you excited about the new Rex character meet and greet?

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