A nighttime light and water show, "World of Color," projects animated characters from Pixar's "Inside Out" onto a mist screen, with colorful sprays of water and an amusement park ferris wheel in the background. Don't miss this spectacular event before it undergoes refurbishment this September.

World of Color – ONE Closing for Refurbishment in September

Phil Wood

World of Color – ONE,” the nighttime spectacular performed nightly on Paradise Bay at Disney California Adventure Park, will be closing for a six-week refurbishment in September.

World of Color – ONE Refurbishment

Informational poster for "World of Color – ONE" presented by Pandora Jewelry at Disney California Adventure Park, detailing show duration and guest policy links. Due to refurbishment, no available times are listed. Check back in September for updates.

Beginning on Monday, September 9, 2024, “World of Color – ONE” will be closed at Disney California Adventure Park. The nighttime spectacular will remain closed until October 22, 2024. This refurbishment is likely just for necessary maintenance.

The current show has been performing nightly at 9 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. and is scheduled to continue with that routine until its final performance on Sunday, September 8, 2024. “World of Color – Season of Light,” the holiday version of the show, is slated to return in fall 2024.

A nighttime light and water show, "World of Color," projects animated characters from Pixar's "Inside Out" onto a mist screen, with colorful sprays of water and an amusement park ferris wheel in the background. Don't miss this spectacular event before it undergoes refurbishment this September.

“World of Color – ONE” debuted at Disney California Adventure Park in January 2023. Due to guest confusion, the finale was changed shortly after the debut. Initial rumors indicated that the show would stop being performed and be replaced by the original “World of Color” show. However, after a refurbishment in January 2024, “World of Color – ONE” returned and has been performed ever since.

In June, a new “Inside Out 2” pre-show called “Emotional Rollercoaster” was added ahead of the release of the record-breaking Pixar film.

Our full video of the “Inside Out 2” pre-show is below.

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