UPDATE: Spitting Camel from The Magic Carpets of Aladdin in the Magic Kingdom Returning After Refurbishment

Jessica Figueroa

UPDATE: Spitting Camel from The Magic Carpets of Aladdin in the Magic Kingdom Returning After Refurbishment

Jessica Figueroa

UPDATE: Spitting Camel from The Magic Carpets of Aladdin in the Magic Kingdom Returning After Refurbishment

Just last week, we came to the disturbing realization that the spitting camel from The Magic Carpets of Aladdin in the Magic Kingdom had seemingly disappeared overnight. With the other camel still there, we had some semblance of hope that it would only be temporary, and thankfully, it is.

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Sources have stated that the camel is currently undergoing a brief refurbishment and is expected to return later this spring, so guests coming over the summer will have something to look forward to (and watch out for.)

We thank you all for standing in solidarity with the spitting camel and for the outpouring of comments in support of this beacon of Adventureland nostalgia. 🐫

Stay tuned as we’ll be on the watch for the camel’s triumphant return in our frequent trips through the Magic Kingdom.

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