REVIEW: The New Peppermint Bark Churro is a Hot Mess at Disney’s Animal Kingdom


peppermint bark churro

REVIEW: The New Peppermint Bark Churro is a Hot Mess at Disney’s Animal Kingdom


peppermint bark churro

REVIEW: The New Peppermint Bark Churro is a Hot Mess at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Peppermint seems to be the craze at Disney’s Animal Kingdom for the holidays this year. With multiple peppermint dessert offerings, we thought it would be challenging to compare them to each other. Turns out that it really wasn’t, because it was pretty clear which dessert comes in last. Let us introduce to you the hot mess that is the Peppermint Bark Churro. We’re not just saying that… it is a literal hot mess. Don’t believe us? Keep reading.

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If you feel like wasting six bucks, this is the dessert for you!

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When we reached DinoLand U.S.A., we asked a cast member where we could find the Peppermint Bark Churro. The cast member directed us to Dino Diner, but then offered up this piece of information: they might not be serving it today because of “difficulties” with the recipe. Well this peaked our interest. The cast member then said that specifically they were having issues with peppermint bark coating staying on the churro. WHAT? We thought this was an exaggeration, but behold…


When we ordered it at the counter, we saw the cast members give each other nervous glances and only one of them was brave enough to attempt to make this churro. We don’t blame cast members at all for this mess. It’s a poor recipe design. There’s no way cast members could execute this recipe without it turning out like this.

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The warm chocolate icing that is supposed to coat the churro is too hot and gooey to stick to the churro, therefore the candy cane crumbles don’t stay on the icing or the churro either.


It was served in a paper boat to contain the overflow of chocolate and candy cane. We’re thankful that it was or else this stuff would have been EVERYWHERE. We still held out a sliver of hope that the taste would some how redeem this disaster, but after the first bite hope vanished. The combinations of ingredients just doesn’t work, plain and simple. The candy cane bits and the cinnamon of the churro work against each other, with the chocolate sauce there as a meager attempt to pull the tastes together.

There’s nothing we enjoyed about this dessert, except for the plain undestroyed side of the churro. With a recipe that hasn’t even been successfully executed, we’re surprise that this treat is even available for guests to purchase. The Peppermint Bark Churro is a dismal failure in every sense. Could this win the prize for worst holiday treat at Walt Disney World?