BOOK REVIEW: “Mirror Mirror: A Twisted Tale” by Jen Calonita

Mirror Mirror: A Twisted Tale

“Voice in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space. Through wind and darkness I summon thee. Speak! Let me see thy face.” Be honest, how many of you were terrified of Disney’s Snow White movie or found yourself shivering after riding Snow White’s Scary Adventures in one of the Disney Parks? If even a … Read more

“Conceal, Don’t Feel: A Twisted Tale” Frozen-Themed Novel Now Available for Free Download Through April 4; Plus More Free Content From Disney Publishing

twisted tales

Still trying to find ways to get your Disney fix while stuck in quarantine? Disney Publishing Worldwide is helping us beat the boredom blues with an array of entertaining new content. You can take art classes from a best-selling author, and dive into some storytelling magic with a free downloadable eBook! Bookworms and Frozen fans alike … Read more

BOOK REVIEW: Return to the Sea in “Part of Your World: A Twisted Tale” by Liz Braswell

Part of Your World is the fifth book in the Twisted Tales series. At the time of writing, the series consists of eight titles published over the past five years, with two more set for publication in 2020 and hopefully many more after that. Each of the novels is stand-alone, meaning you can read whichever … Read more

BOOK REVIEW: Journey Through the Underworld in “Reflection: A Twisted Tale” by Elizabeth Lim

reflection book cover

Reflection is the fourth book in the Twisted Tales series. At the time of writing, the series consists of seven titles published over the past four years, with the seventh newly released this summer and the eighth due in early 2020. Each of the novels is stand-alone, meaning you can read whichever stories intrigue you … Read more

BOOK REVIEW: As Old as Time: A Twisted Tale by Liz Brazwell Sheds Light on Belle’s Backstory

as old as time book

As Old as Time is the third book in the Twisted Tales series. At the time of writing, the series consists of five titles published over the past four years, with the sixth newly released this April 2019. Each of the novels is stand-alone, meaning you can read whichever stories intrigue you the most in … Read more

BOOK REVIEW: Once Upon a Dream: A Twisted Tale by Liz Braswell Gives Sleeping Beauty A Voice

Once Upon a Dream book

Once Upon a Dream is the second book in the Twisted Tales series. At the time of writing, the series consists of five titles published over the past four years, with the sixth due in April 2019. Each of the novels is stand-alone, meaning you can read whichever stories intrigue you the most in whichever order you feel … Read more

BOOK REVIEW: A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale by Liz Braswell Shows Us A Whole New Agrabah

A Whole New World is the first book in the Twisted Tales series. At the time of writing, the series consists of five titles published over the past four years, with the sixth due in April 2019. Each of the novels is stand-alone, meaning you can read whichever stories intrigue you the most in whichever order you feel … Read more