Zach Larson’s 7/4/11 WDW Photo Report

Tom Corless

Zach Larson’s 7/4/11 WDW Photo Report

WDWNT Reporter Zach Larson visited three of the Walt Disney World theme parks for the 4th of July holiday, here are some newsworthy photos from his day:

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World Showcase has some new mouse ear hats for each country

The fountain at the American Adventure behind walls on July 4th… how unpatriotic!

Captain America merchandise available at the American Adventure

Work going on outside of Japan pavilion

Mandatory Spaceship Earth shot

Moving over to the Magic Kingdom

SHAG 40th anniversary shirt!

This may look like a hamburger, but it’s not…

It’s actually a new gourmet cupcake available at the Main Street Bakery! The bun is cake, the burger is a brownie, and the fries are cookies!

Crowded Tomorrowland

I think Mary is lost…

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man got hairy…

Frontierland Shootin’ Arcade closed for refurbishment

Pecos Bill’s facade still behind tarps since we checked 24 hours earlier…

Angelica out greeting guests in Adventureland

Main Street Firehouse closes July 11th, merchandise will be moving into the Emporium and they will still collect firehouse patches

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The Tronorail was recently in an intense lightcycle battle…

Back to Epcot, Don’t Waste It is gone :(

Seems every pavilion has walls… these are outside of La Hacienda De San Angel

A new store has opened in The Outpost called Bead Outpost

Guess what they sell?

If you said beads, you are correct!

Those who seek the spirit of Norway face peril and adventure, but more often find scissor lifts…

The glass pyramids have seen better days

This si what you have all been waiting for, NEW DUFFY CLOTHES!


Now on to Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Anaheim Produce is out of refurbishment and looks great!

Kids were kept entertained by the remnants of Block Party Bash

Was this repainted? It looks new…

Phineas & Ferb Play and Greet is popular

The Cars 2 meet and greet finally opened a few days ago

Lightning McQueen and Mater now appear along with the 4 Piston Cups (1 Hudson Hornet cup) that Lightning has won

The remnants of Star Wars Weekends

Walls are finally down on the queue level of Tower of Terror

Looks fantastic!

New Tower of Terror shirts

Time for Celebrate America!

7 thoughts on “Zach Larson’s 7/4/11 WDW Photo Report”

  1. They had the same bead stand in front of Rock N Rollercoaster when I went in April! It's actually pretty cool, the beads are made from paper and the money goes to something good, I can't really remember what though :P

  2. Ok I just have to comment on so much here. LOL
    – The hats might as well be called stereotype hats… really… pretzels for Germany? Is that what that is?
    – I cannot WAIT to try one of those cheeseburger and fries cakes!
    – Mary most definitely is lost.
    – I may be a cruel parent but my son gets out of the stroller to meet the characters…
    – Cracked me up with the lightcycle battle comment.
    – Do you know what the beeds are made out of? See that's the coolest part. I'm kind of shocked you didn't mention it here. The beeds are made out of old park maps. Seriously!
    – Those who seek the spirit of Norway face peril and adventure, but more often find scissor lifts… CLASSIC
    – OMG the poor windows…

    Ok I'm done! LOL

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