Park 9 LE and Blind Box Release Dates

Nick LoCicero

Park 9 LE and Blind Box Release Dates

We have a large slate of Park 9 release dates to share with you today.

July 13

Park 9 Blind Boxes will release at $12.95. See our Park 9 Explained page for the lineup.

Next up is the 9″ Park 9 Feature Animation Building from the Burbank studios. The edition size is 750 and it will retail for $44.95.

Also on July 13 will be the 9″ Park 9 Art of Animation Poster figure representing Tommorrowland at Disneyland. It will be an LE 550 and retail for $44.95.


First off is a Toy Story Mania! 9-inch and 3-inch figure set. An edition size of 1000 and a retail price of $74.95. Could this figure, that we saw about a year and a half ago, be part of this set?

If so, we have an article with a break down of this design here.

Next up is an un-named Park 9 Combo Set that is an Open Edition for $24.95.

And same day, a Park 9 Epcot, The Land 9-inch figure. Edition size is 1000. Retail price is $44.95. Most likely this figure we saw sometime last year.

All of these Park 9 items will be available via the Disney Online Store on July 20, except The Land which will wait until the 27th. I am disappointed The Land is not a 3″. It is my most favorite spot in Epcot, but the 9″ cost is just too high these days with all the other great vinyls. Same with the Toy Story one, but I am excited to see what is paired with it. Any educated guesses on the un-named combo?

7 thoughts on “Park 9 LE and Blind Box Release Dates”

  1. Wow I thought the 9″ old mold was gone for good, looks like its back for now this is great news, I want all of these apart from the animation building, great editon sizes too!

  2. Hoping that the Toy Story Midway Mania comes with a 3″ of one of the critters that you ‘win’ at the end.
    Strange that the 9″ are old mold when P8 9″ are on the new mold. Makes me think they designed P9 before P8. Sudden decision to do two WDW based series instead of one perhaps.

  3. Could the unnamed combo simply be the combo topper? Price point fits…

    Also, I’ve heard that P9 was originally slated to be released as P7, but got switched with what is now known as P7. While I’m not sure if there’s any truth to that idea, it would explain the old mold 9″.

    And regarding the edition sizes, most series have some variation within them, so the 750/1000 disparity isn’t really a departure from what has always been done. The 550 is a bit out there, but since it is a depiction of Tomorrowland at Disneyland, it could simply be a reference to DL opening in 1955, similar to the 55th Anniversary Poster 9″ series released a while back. All of those were 550 too.

    • 3 great points. I didn’t even think of the combo topper. That seems like a safe bet.

      About the mold differences… you are exactly right. I think people make too big a deal when we see some old molds, 3s or 9s, sprinkled in after old molds. There is a lag from design to production to releases and like with Nerds, there are just holdovers that they don’t go back and redesign.

      As for edition sizes, I love LE 1000 and less. I know they need to produce a few more because the hobby has grown, but I enjoy the old days of 400-800. And knowing Disney, you seem spot on with the 1955/LE 550 reference. Nice!

  4. I am glad that Disney is settling down on the 9″ price point of $44.95. $54.95 is way too high. Hopefully, the $44.95 price will keep them out of the discount genre and we can get back to collecting AND trading some 9″ Vinylmation.

  5. Love most of Park 9 and TMM and the Land 9″. I can live without the 9″s but I wouldn’t mind spending $25 or so on them at the outlet.

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