VIDEO, CONCEPT ART: Reservations Now Open for The Disney Explorers Lodge at Hong Kong Disneyland

Tom Corless

VIDEO, CONCEPT ART: Reservations Now Open for The Disney Explorers Lodge at Hong Kong Disneyland

Beginning April 30th, 2017, guests looking for adventure will be checking into the all new Disney Explorers Lodge at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. This new hotel will have 750 rooms and features 4 different wings, each having their own themed garden named after a beloved Disney character and celebrating a unique locale; The ‘Kevin Garden’ themed to South America and named after the bird in “Up”, ‘The Little Squirt Garden of Oceania’ named after Crush’s son Squirt from “Finding Nemo”, The ‘Hathi Jr. Garden’ with an Asian theme and named for the baby elephant in “The Jungle Book”, and lastly, the ‘Rafiki Garden’ on the African Savannah.

Throughout the property, there will be 1920’s-style memorabillia and artifacts displayed. Three unique restaurants with a world of flavors will also bee offered.

Reservations to stay at the Explorers Lodge can be made now online.

37 thoughts on “VIDEO, CONCEPT ART: Reservations Now Open for The Disney Explorers Lodge at Hong Kong Disneyland”

  1. Great article and photos. Looks very high end compared to the WDW crap we’re dealing with. Can Shanghai come run our Disney parks too? Them telling Disney that they maintain creative control was best decision ever, now that Disney is in a sales efficiency and guest offering’s cut back mode.

    • This “China can manage parks better” thing is getting old. To me, the hotels at Disney Hong Kong seem extremely impersonal and boxy. This new one is no exception.

      • It’s only getting old if YOU are getting old Pete. Asia beats our butts in how well they manage in general, minus Disney here cutting to the bone and some, and their affluent will go to Disney parks there. In the states, all you get are the overfed, and those too afraid to travel outside the ‘box’ who are happy to over pay and stand in long lines for very little.

          • You obviously haven’t been to make such an ignorant comment. They’re much better and tons of money being put into them. Everything is staffed to the gills. Nothing like the cut backs here.

        • When I was at Hong Kong Disneyland (not that long ago) Fantasyland opened at 9, Tomorrowland opened at 10, and Mystic Point, Toy Story Land, Grizzly Gulch, and Adventureland opened at 11. WDW never cuts this much in terms of budget (then again WDW makes money unlike HKDL).

          • You were at the wrong place then. They have staff galore at HK Disneyland. And they stive in much higher satisfaction, heck, USA WDW parks couldn’t care less! I get you feel you want to have better bird in the hand here, but their parks are a cut above.

          • I think it was Jeff going to the wrong park. You must be a liberal to deny reality this hard. Must be though being wrong all the time like you.

          • Disney Pete, you ain’t been there, when politics get involved, you know it’s a troll. laughable part is can you see the photos? Have you even been to WDW in the last year? Our places here look nothing that spacious.

  2. Look at fair space between tables and the real wood!!! Nothing like that in Florida Disney World anymore. :(…

    • Have you ever been to Hong Kong? There’s no such thing as personal space for anything in Hong Kong nor China.

      • I have! Nothing as busy in a chaotic way as Disney when busy with their staff reductions, and the Asian ‘disney’ theme parks is much more luxurious than WDW here. The photo doesn’t lie. In Florida they’d shove double the tables in there (though most may be closed or understaffed).

        • The only advantage that you have in Hong Kong is that people don’t go there, that’s why the lines are short. Luxurious, gimmie a break!

          • If you made more than minimum wage you could afford to go check it out and see how wrong you are. And your knowledge of Hong Kong and it’s ‘crowds’ sounds about as good as our current president’s knowledge of Sweden. Get an education Disney Pete, until then, shove your keyboard up your backside, NOBODY is impressed by your posts here.

          • Sheehan: Stop making a fool of yourself. The Hong Kong park is no better than the US parks. It is quite obvious you haven set a foot in the ticket office at the Central subway station nor the automated ticket machines right outside the train terminal nor the ticket booths at the park’s gate let alone the park itself.

            Give it a rest sonny.

          • Pete, gotta disagree with you here. You love to argue perhaps, but the Asian’s have taken Disney to a different, improved level. Everything is wide open and staffed, they care tremendously that guests have a great experience. Money is not the only goal. None of this sounds familiar here. You should go, it would change your mind.

          • Total lie Pete. You’ve never been and your information here doesn’t reflect even the photos. Try even just a little bit. What a tool.

          • Poor Larry can handle the truth. Next thing I’m waiting to hear from you is how people are so polite at the ride’s lines and they totally respect personal space while doing them at HK Disney.

            The only nice thing from that place is Mystic Manor. The Toy Story land in there is such a joke… a bunch of town fair rides with just Disney theming on them.

          • Oh, and the worst sushi you’ll eat in all HK. I won’t say most expensive sushi because you can drop a nice amount of money for sushi in some places there but those are high quality joints.That’s how much it is like its US sibling: bad expensive food.

          • You clearly haven’t been there, it would be like someone visiting WDW Florida saying parking and entry to the parks is a breeze. You’re just flat lying.

          • You definitely sound like you do not know what you are talking about. You must feel very small inside to lie so much.

          • You should save up and go sometime Pete. You’d be surprised how much they “try” there, not cattle call mentality, 100% different mindset across the board than WDW Florida. Disney sets minimum standard, and they people really go far and above and in phase of building and making better, not pinching pennies and cutting back like here. I know you wanna talk tough, carry on with your silliness…… but, it’s a cool side of Disney that has quality and service like we did here in the states a decade ago.

          • good one Pete… NOT! Get off boards, get a second job, and then can speak with some experience. Everyone has an opinion, but comparing the two is close to comparing fire to water. Asia in expansion phase and experience is everything, much like Disney pre Bob Iger. USA Disney in cut back mode.

            • You call that bait & switch with Avengers at HK expansion? Say no more, now we know what your criteria is and let me tell you, is quite poor

          • Disney in America is cutting back to help Asia fund their theme parks to be world class, meanwhile, here in America, we’re getting lots of movies quickly turned out, but our Disney parks exist to fund the studios and Asia. They cut every cost to the bone without any concern of customers. Disney Pete, we get from your hundreds of posts on this site your passion for your own opinions, but you’re about 20 posts in here, and I’m not convinced you have 1% of truth to one comment yet! Put the keyboard away.

            • Yours is the first opinion that makes sense Rashad. That’s the reality: Disney is not only cutting back in the US to push & pimp their parks in China but also increasing their prices in the US for the same purpose. Is a decision from the general Disney management which manages operations & IP management at all parks. And I don’t try to hide the fact that the US parks are suffering because they are. In fact, I also point that out here constantly.

              These trolls have some strange idea that the parks in China are not managed by the US but rather by some magical entity in China and somehow, in their eyes, putting these make believe Chinese dwarves will fix the problems in the US parks.

              I have been several times to HK disney and I’m not impressed one bit. It’s just a knock off. I’ve never been to Disney Shanghai but I have already seen one of the main things that make the HK park not so great and that is the way most Chinese behave in public. There were already videos from the inauguration day showcasing what Chinese people are used to do like public urination & defecation inside the park. This I haven’t seen in HK because the people of HK pride themselves of being different than mainland Chinese but for as “magical” and “money infused” the Shanghai park may be, there’s not enough magic that can cover getting your foot out of human poo.

              So yes, the US parks are being scalped by the Disney management but the Chinese parks are also not that great. Better maintained as they might be, they’re just not better than their US counterparts. And there’s no “independent Chinese management” that’s doing things better than the US, is the same management.

          • Pete, from all your posts here, and how it contradicts not just these pictures, but everything known about the Asian parks, I’d bet my life, and that of the few friends you may have had along the path of your narcissistic life that you have 1) NEVER been to these countries, much less seen the parks. and 2) are only here to make yourself feel ‘bigger’ by someone responding to your nonsense.

            • So you not only like to lose money at the Disney parks but lose constantly doing bad bets. No wonder you’re so delusional

          • Disney Pete, saw your other posts. You can’t afford to go to Disney in Florida, much less a trip outside of the states. Your views of HK DL show you have not been! You’re reply here isn’t even related, just spouting off to get in last word. After your 20 posts here (have someone help you count) saying the same thing, you’re not believable and are an embarrassment to yourself and whatever wretched womb you came from.

    • I agree. Listening to this guy Pete pontificate above say how it’s not much higher end product the Asian Disney parks is like listening to someone say they don’t like Florida cuz the snow is too deep. Gimme a break.

      • Yea, that Disney Pete guy has mental problems, not just on this thread, obviously lying trying to make some point, obviously hasn’t seen Asian parks. Much nicer than the dumps in USA. Probably the dude is incarcerated to have this much time to pontificate, and no hobby.

        • Maybe because I don’t imagine things in my sleep the way you do. So how do imagine those Chinese dwarves at Disney HK?

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