SHOP: Purple Wall, Orange Bird, & Spaceship Earth Baseball Caps Now Online


SHOP: Purple Wall, Orange Bird, & Spaceship Earth Baseball Caps Now Online

Disney has recently embraced some of the cult favorites that have developed among fans over the years in baseball cap form. All hats retail for $21.99 each. If you would like to shop all the hats just go here!

purple wall hat

Orange Bird

orange bird

If You Can Read This… Thank the Phoenicians

if you can read

Peter Pan ”I’m So Fly”




2 thoughts on “SHOP: Purple Wall, Orange Bird, & Spaceship Earth Baseball Caps Now Online”

  1. Don’t know that the Phoenicians quote is fun or clever enough to warrant merchandise, especially for something as epic as Spaceship Earth. I’d prefer a vintage Horizons or Mr. Toad hat!

  2. I think Disney might be taking this “specialty hat” thing too far already, and they’ve put out only a few designs to my knowledge. Now, if they release caps with retro attractions and other designs on them, that’s a cash cow waiting to be discovered. If they release the right designs, they will make a boat load of money from these caps.

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