PHOTOS: Merchandise from Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities Now Being Sold Inside Launch Bay Cargo at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Derek Sterling

PHOTOS: Merchandise from Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities Now Being Sold Inside Launch Bay Cargo at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Derek Sterling

PHOTOS: Merchandise from Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities Now Being Sold Inside Launch Bay Cargo at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Merchandise from Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities has made its way into Launch Bay Cargo inside the Star Wars Launch Bay at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The gift shop of Star Wars Launch Bay usually sells generic Star Wars merchandise, but unique items like 3D figures and a Dejarik Figure Set.

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Into Star Wars Launch Bay we go!

Launch Bay Cargo Dok Ondar%E2%80%99s Den of Antiquities12.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&fit=scale&h=750&ixlib=php 1.2

All the merchandise from Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities is located in this shelf behind the cash register at Launch Bay Cargo.

Launch Bay Cargo Dok Ondar%E2%80%99s Den of Antiquities11.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&fit=scale&h=750&ixlib=php 1.2 Launch Bay Cargo Dok Ondar%E2%80%99s Den of Antiquities8.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&fit=scale&h=750&ixlib=php 1.2

There are numerous busts and statues are available for you to purchase!

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Does anyone want to play some Dejarik?

Launch Bay Cargo Dok Ondar%E2%80%99s Den of Antiquities6.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&fit=scale&h=750&ixlib=php 1.2 Launch Bay Cargo Dok Ondar%E2%80%99s Den of Antiquities3.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&fit=scale&h=711&ixlib=php 1.2

Plenty of First Order and new trilogy merchandise is available in this section of Launch Bay Cargo. Some of these items, like the First Order sign, are from First Order Supply, also in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

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A roaming R2-D2 was seen roaming the store and doing a bit of merchandise browsing himself.

A lot of this merchandise was previously only found in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities, so this could be a sign of Disney finding it hard to move the merchandise from the one store in the corner of the park. Originally this merchandise was intended to be exclusive to the land.

Stay tuned to WDWNT for any more Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge merchandise found outside of the themed land.

2 thoughts on “PHOTOS: Merchandise from Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities Now Being Sold Inside Launch Bay Cargo at Disney’s Hollywood Studios”

  1. I was in Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities at Disneyland on Friday, January 3. There was queue to get into the store. Lost sales for those unwilling to wait. Then when you got into the Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities there were more lines: one line for lightsabers and then another line to go to the register. I waited in the register line to purchase the ‘sandstone’ wall relief that was “believed to be lost but recovered from Jabba’s palace” then when I got to the cashier I was told they had to go ‘downstairs’ to find it because they do not keep them on the shelf. The cashier, who left to go find/retrieve it, finally brought it to the register which caused the line to go slower because now I consumed the time of one of the two cashiers. I purchased it and requested that it be shipped. I was told they could not do it at this register in Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities because shipping items only takes place from Droid Depot (next door) or First Order Cargo. Sigh. I already invested this much time so I made the purchase and went next door to Droid Depot. where I was told “we don’t ship. You need to go to First Order Cargo.” I found where it was on the map and did go to First Order Cargo to ship the rather cumbersome and large boxed item home. A part of me ‘gets’ that they are trying to give you the experience that you are in a foreign city and living within it by having to go to ship your item off the ‘planet’ however the realistic part of me does not give a Bantha’s horn! It went from being excited to make the purchase to, why am I bothering to, this is inconvenient and I should just walk away. Hello…Disney…make it easy for us to part with our money! Creating roadblocks means you have to work harder to get our money especially for unnecessary impulse purchases!

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