EDITORIAL: How Disney Magic Can Beat The Quarantine Blues – Part 1


Partners Cinderella castle makeover

EDITORIAL: How Disney Magic Can Beat The Quarantine Blues – Part 1

It’s official. Nothing makes you want to visit to the Most Magical Place On Earth like being told… you can’t. Dare I say, there is something downright unsettling about knowing that our beloved Splash Mountain has stopped splashin’, all 999 happy haunts have ceased materializing, and as for those fabulous Phoenicians, well, I’m going to buy a vowel and say that they’ll be rendered thankless until who knows when! All this impending doom and gloom only intensifies our need for that daily dose of pixie dust sparkle in our lives. So, what do you do when you can’t back your bags and head to Neverland? You bring Disney into your home! That is exactly why we’ve prepared this ultra-exhilarating three-part series, showcasing what you can do to make each day of isolation a Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah day… of isolation. Let’s join together to prove Disney magic can beat the quarantine blues!

Copycat Recipes

Homemade Copycat Epcot's Violet Lemonade

Whether you dig Dole Whip, vie over Violet Lemonade, or feel tempted by the tasty treat that is Tonga Toast, Copycat Recipes are a surefire way to lift your spirits and delight your taste buds in decadent Disney fashion. Just google your favorite Disney cuisine and you will instantaneously fall down a delightfully decadent rabbit hole filled with formulas to you favorite savory theme park snacks and culinary concoctions. Heck, you can even create your own Kitchen Cabaret… just whistle while you work!

Make a Virtual Scrapbook 

Most of us have a treasure trove of remember whens right at our very own fingertips. If you’re anything like me, your smartphone is full of priceless snapshots atop many-a-mountain. And if you’re really like me, chances are they’re completely out of order. Use this mandatory downtime to take a trip down Memory Maker lane and coordinate your very own virtual scrapbook. You’d be surprised to find just how quickly this simple task can fill that castle-sized hole in your heart.

Play a Walt Disney World Board Game

Battleship (Pirates of the Caribbean - The Disney Theme Park Edition)

Nothing passes the time like a good-ol’-fashioned game night! From Monopoly (The Disney Theme Park Edition) to Life (Haunted Mansion), Walt Disney board games offer a plethora of fun for park fans far and wide. But, if you really want an immersive experience, be sure to stay tuned for more Disney games coming to WDWNT.

Raid Your Closet for New Disneybounding Inspiration


In 2011, blogger Leslie Kay coined the term, DisneyBound. This highly celebrated semi-cosplay pastime encourages Disney fans to dress as their favorite characters while using modern-day fashion. Never tried it before? Don’t be shy, it really is easier than you think! Have something red, something yellow, and something blue? You’re already on your way to set the latest Snow White throwback trend. You’ll look absolutely fantasmic!

Bringing Disney Into Your Home – Watch A Movie Under The Stars

We’ve covered a few examples of how to bring Disney into your home. But, how about how to bring Disney out of your home? Bed sheet? CHECK. Shoebox? CHECK. You’re just minutes away from capturing that outdoor resort charm right in your own backyard by creating your own Movie Under The Stars projector. Need help picking the perfect Disney flick? We suggest you check out WDWNT’s Disney Parks Withdraw Disney+ Movie Playlist for some parkcentric options.

Tune in to WDWNTunes

Looking to send your senses soarin’ around the world? WDWNT has found a way to encapsulate the infectious atmospheric joy of the parks by sending some melodious soundscapes your way via WDWNTunes, our live online radio. Live in the Disney bubble by taking this feature anywhere and everywhere you go. Just download the WDWNT App to your smartphone, and away you go!

Finally Use Those Left-Over Disney Toiletries

Toiletries from Disney Resorts

Ah… I’m not sure what marine botanical extracts do, exactly. But I do know that they are the coveted ingredients in each of the Disney toiletries I appropriated from my umpteenth trip to the vacation capital of the world. Call me crazy, but each time I soak in the suds of these bathtime aquatics, I feel just a little bit closer to my home-away-from-home.

Now, what do you do to keep Diz-kosher in these times of peril? Comment below with new ideas of how you can bring Disney into your home! Don’t be embarrassed of how silly or simple or simply silly they may seem! We’re all in the same sinking Jungle Cruise boat together!

3 thoughts on “EDITORIAL: How Disney Magic Can Beat The Quarantine Blues – Part 1”

  1. Okay, “use the leftover toiletries” made me laugh. I’ve got a drawer full of them (I only keep one of each on a trip; I don’t raid the Housekeeping cart to load up).

  2. “Nothing makes you want to visit to the Most Magical Place On Earth like being told… you can’t.”

    Wanna bet? Haven’t been there in nine years and definitely have no plans visiting any time soon. Especially since Disney had implied that, going forward, they no longer want poor people in their parks.

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