Disney’s Hollywood Studios Guest Attacked by Members of Maskless Family

Jessica Figueroa


Disney’s Hollywood Studios Guest Attacked by Members of Maskless Family

Jessica Figueroa


Disney’s Hollywood Studios Guest Attacked by Members of Maskless Family

Not only is it the most sought-after park reservation, Disney’s Hollywood Studios appears to be a hotbed for maskless activity, as yet another recent incident has been reported at the park.

rock 'n' roller coaster line leading to tower of terror
Lines for the popular Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster at Disney’s Hollywood Studios often extend onto the stretch of Sunset Boulevard. The nearest restrooms are located by the grey rock work to the right, a popular spot for taking shelter during the regular storms.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, an elderly man was attacked at the park by members of a large, mostly maskless family after getting into an argument with them over their faulty use of face masks.

The family was attempting to take shelter by the restrooms near Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, per the Orange County Sheriff’s Office report. One man punched the senior in the head before a woman from the family joined in. The elderly guest eventually fell on the ground due to the attack. While he was not seriously injured, the family left the park before the sheriff’s office could arrest anyone.

The incident took place on September 17, just two days after the infamous “Remember Hopper?” incident where a man tried to incite a rebellion against face masks by misquoting lines from the Disney Pixar film “A Bug’s Life”. Other face mask-related incidents and arrests have taken place at EPCOT, where a man hit a security guard in the head and threatened to kill him after he was repeatedly reminded to follow the new face mask rules. 

Currently, face masks are required at all Walt Disney World theme parks and resorts (including Disney Springs) and must remain on at all times, unless socially distanced for eating and drinking.

Source: Orlando Sentinel

84 thoughts on “Disney’s Hollywood Studios Guest Attacked by Members of Maskless Family”

  1. People seriously need to chill… There’s no need for all of this idiotic violence. I’m a firm believer that the company can set its own rules, and if you don’t like those rules, or in the case of masks, you can’t wear one due to health issues, then you just don’t go. On the other hand, the guest shouldn’t have been trying to enforce those rules. They should’ve grabbed a cast member to handle it. I’m glad no one was seriously hurt, and I hope they’re able to figure out who the family was and at least fine them or ban them from the park, if not press charges for battery.

    • Cast members target girls and women because they feel they can handle them..I literally did not see a cm say a word to a male!!

    • When they stand right up your behind with no mask on in a line, a cm is not always around. Violence is never acceptable or a “however” circumstance.

  2. WDW is private property. I don’t like mask or agree with them either or like masks natzis, I do follow the rules of a company policy. If you don’t want to wear a mask then don’t go. That simple.

  3. Why do I feel this store is squed and there’s more to it, you “story” says they were taking shelter, was it raining, this could account for the mask issue, as if they were soaked it would be hard to breath. And he should of kept his mouth shut im sure he was a duck about it and rude, thus you get popped in the mouth, if they were so un easy about the mask then they should of walked away, talked to a cast member or not go to the park if your that worried. IMA the masks are dumb, and do no good

    • Absolutely Mr. Patterson, you are right. “Popping” an elderly man in the head because he couldn’t keep his “mouth shut” about a family not wearing masks during the worst pandemic in America history (yes, worse than the Spanish Flu) is completely justified. How dare his head get in the way of their fists and their righteous indignation for violating their rights! So what if the elderly like him are particularly susceptible to Covid-19. Who cares? And you are right about masks being dumb and no good. We should all be maskless everywhere, all the time and infect and kill anyone we please. After all, this is America! We have rights!

      • geez… exaggerate much? worse than the spanish flu?!! have you even read anything about the Spanish flu? US had 675,000 deaths…. 50 million world wide, so ummm yeah, this Wuhan Flu is worse… yup

      • like i said in my comment the story is skewed, we only have 1 partys side, as the other party left, we don’t know how they approached the other person nore do we know what was said,it says elderly, i see no motion on the post of the actual age, 50’s,60’s70’s? If your going to confront someone you have to be prepared for conflict,as everyone is not going to react the same. I would like to know were both parties are from as this could play in to it, at the end like i stated, they should of flagged down a cast member or just moved away if they were that concerned, or not go to the parks if they are in the “High Risk” category. Like i said before, he tries to make someone doing something that he has no authority to enforce in the parks and led to him being assaulted, but like i said we don’t know the other side, we don’t know if him getting assaulted was retaliation for him assaulting them first. as much as this short story pulls at your heartstrings, all feelings aside, you have to look at raw facts. i’m sure WDW made it up to them, But to wrongs don’t make a right

    • You’re still not allowed to take your mask off outside of eating or designated areas. And if they were struggling so hard to breath how did multiple members of the family have it in them to attack the dude?

    • I think I just lost brain cells trying to read this. But I’m glad you think and elderly man got the nesting he deserved🙄

  4. The masks rule is truly inconsistent and really ridiculous. I literally saw a guy walking and vaping in Magic Kingdom ,but you can walk and take a sip of water? You can sit maskless at a table with a water bottle in front of you for an hour ,but you can’t take a 30 second pic without one?? I got ask to take my sunglasses off,, pull my mask down, pull it up,, you can’t walk and chew gum??? Make some sense Disney!

          • 1. My niece was walking and threw a piece of gum in her mouth while get to Runaway Railway, a cm ran out of seemingly no where and said she couldn’t eat and walk. We were like she put gum in her mouth. She said while you can chew gum ,you had to be stationary. I was like you can’t chew gum and walk? To which her answer was no. In order to ride the ride she had to spit the gum out.
            #2. At animal kingdom while browsing in a store a manager stopped me to say my mask wasn’t fully covering my chin when I pulled it down she said it wasn’t fully covering my nose to pull it back up to the same position it originally was!
            #3. At security at MK ,guard said sunglasses could not be touching mask. That I had to take them off or not come in. I did take the off after saying he was full of crap ,when I got in the park I put them back on. When I left the park I took my mask off .
            #4. In line for PPF ,a man was in line behind us pulling down mask and vaping ,when we got yelled at for taking our mask for 20 seconds to take a pic. Don’t worry we had a system to avoid the mask police and have several maskless photos.
            # On Sunday, I sat at a table in HS with an empty water bottle and empty cup of coffee..no mask for almost 2 hours while I watched the entire first half of the Texans game. No one said a word! So tell me again what is not accurate???

      • No Tom, it’s definitely not a true depiction of the rules, but it makes he feel better to but Disney down AND voice her anti mask opinions.

      • Why in the Hades would I make these up? Or which do you think were made up?? Just because they didn’t happen to you didn’t mean they didn’t happen because all of those most certainly happened to us!

  5. This is so angering to hear!!! I have witnessed first hand guest being rude to cast members which has been very upsetting to see, but now violence towards others, at Disney?! That is ridiculous! I am an anti-masker (yes I know im a selfish deplorable), in my home state I do not go places that require mask (I won’t get on my soapbox) – that being said, I AM a Disney fan & I do understand them having to implement this rule to be open & make some people feel safe, and I do 100% comply with the mask rule when I come to Disney, to the point I have gotten dehydrated on some visits b/c I am overly cautious to not remove my mask too often to drink water & all. I have visited the parks every month since they’ve reopened & feel the cast members & the ones in charge have done a wonderful job with all the new protocols during this crazy time, I really have felt bad for the cast members who have had to tell guest to please put their masks on properly & only be met with rudeness, these cast members are doing their job. The fact is we are chosing to go these parks knowing these rules, again I’m not a fan of these new rules, but I do love the parks & cast members so much & I want WDW to stay open (& hope DL reopens), so I have made the choice get over it, otherwise I have no business visiting right now, and other guests need to realize that too, if you don’t like the rule so much, you don’t go!!

    • Well said. I, too, am generally anti mask (for reasons I won’t get into) but I do have to respect the private enterprise that requires them – i.e. grocery stores, banks, churches, and yes, even Disney.

      The difference in the latter is that I can CHOOSE not to go to WDW right now, which I won’t because I don’t agree with masks outside and on vacation where I’m spending thousands of dollars. That is a choice. I don’t have such a choice in daily life.

      The bottom line is this… Disney is private property and can mandate what they want. I do not agree with it, and therefore, you’ll never see me there. It is up to the Employees (in this case CMs) to enforce such mandates…not other guests!

    • While I disagree with you about masks in general (I won’t get on my soapbox either — it’s okay for reasonable people to disagree without it becoming a fight), thank you for being reasonable about private property and not going if you refuse to abide by the rules the business has in place. As someone who works with the public in a business that requires masks (at the behest of my state’s Governor), you would absolutely be welcome in my workplace with the attitude you have. I get so tired of having to be the “mask police” for people who try everything they can to get around them. And our mandate is nowhere NEAR as strict as Disney’s (gaiters are okay, as are bandanas, no need for the mask to secure under the chin — all we require is that mouth and nose are covered by SOMETHING).

  6. Last week we were in line for the skyliner leaving Hollywood Studios and a maskless family behind us kept stopping about a foot away from us. I asked them nicely to give us space and they tried to start a fight with me. There were unfortunately no cast members nearby. We also had and entire family push their way past us and several others in line, and completely ignore 3 CMs to get into Disney Jr where the other half of their party was waiting inside. I think the crowds at HS are too large and congested for CM’s to monitor adherence to social distancing and mask policies.

  7. Some people are so ignorant. If you can’t obey requests from the park, don’t go. Nobody wants to wear them, but its what we gotta do right now. Nobody is making you go to Disney either…..its about caring for others, and these people obviously don’t. Smh

  8. Well this is a sad reflection on society. First im a local and AP so before this scares away the masses, let me say I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER SEEN people maskless or aggressive about masks or fighting about masks and I HATE THE MASK CRAP. So with the thousands of visitors daily these handful of odd cases are beyond rare. Currently this is Disney’s policy and if we wanna go we need to adhere. I wish this story had more details and Masked people can also act like the mask police so we do not know if a member of this family took down a mask to eat or drink water and this man got loud or aggressive with them, still NO REASON to get physical. This covid has brought out the worst in some sadly.

  9. My family and I were at the MK a few weeks ago and while in line at Little Mermaid, a large family was maskless and taunting people about it (“Why’re you people wearing masks? You look f’ing stupid!”). We asked them to put on their masks and they tried to climb over the railings, yelling obscenities at us and others. We found a CM but they said “well, we didn’t see it, so we can’t do anything.” People without masks are getting worse and worse at WDW and I didn’t feel safe there.

  10. Note to the mask police wannabes – leave it to CMs to enforce the mask rules, as silly as they are. It is not YOUR job.

    • Hey prince wannabe- cms aren’t always around. Nobody is running around looking for maskless people. They’re usually the one right behind you

    • But it is our health and safety. You don’t know if we have an autoimmune disease or diabetes. Covid is quite serious. Unfortunately, if Disney doesn’t have enough cameras or cast members to ensure guest safety, people will have to step up to protect others.

    • I disagree. It’s ALL of our jobs. If a CM is not available, I’m going to speak up. And I’m not a “wannabe.” my job is 90% being the mask police now. I have an approach that has proven effective, without being confrontational.

      I get that we’re ALL frustrated, whether we think masks are necessary or not. But the rules are in place, and people need to follow them, or just not go.

      • People have asked me to wear a mask and I just tell them no, and if they don’t feel comfortable with it they can move around or call the authorities however I’m not going to do something I don’t feel right doing. I’m not here to protect anyone’s safety .

  11. you sound very SS with your issues with masks
    99.998% survivablity 019 99.98% 20-49 99,95% 50-69
    it’s a cold virus get over it

      • actually HE IS RIGHT
        there is a over 99% survival rate
        the CDC has stated that 6% of all covid deaths are from a person catching covid without any other health conditions
        The masks have a disclaimer on the box that states that they don’t prevent the transmission of deciese
        the news won’t say these things cause these would be good news and we can’t have that
        do more research and stop wearing placebos

    • More then likely u never seen the trucks filled with dead from covid the ignorance from people who are so disconnected from what’s going on, how about this u say this now but when covid kills someone in your family don’t cry about it

      • Take your scare tactics and communist propaganda somewhere else. This is a family friendly discussion board.

      • NY has all the trucks,remember and the numbers are actually spot on, they only ever talk about how many have gotten it or death so far, never ho many survive. as for the masks,these is a lot of talk by doctors that its doing more harm than good, there was a danish study that calls it into question, and let’s look at states that have had locks days for 5 days, 300 days latter,Use FL as a example, we have been open for months, we have spikes but i would add that up to people fleeing NY,NJ,PA,CT ect, and the levels spiking, and then drop back down. herd immunity is the only way this is going to be fixed, that’s what vaccines do is force herd immunity, until then, people will get it and build antibodies, the biggest issue i see is certain places using “STOP” the spread, your not going to stop any thing, you can’t stop the common cold, your not going to stop the Flu. if a mask makes someone feel better about there surrounds then fine ware the mask, if it keep the parks open so cast members can work, wear the mask.but personally i don’t believe it does anything.

  12. FIrst people need to me mind there own business if you see someone without a mask on don’t make it you’re decision to say something to them let a cast member this is what happens whenever you take matters into your own hand s.

      • I may not walk out of my way to ask a person to fix their mask, but I sure as heck will if they’re in my bubble. My mask doesn’t protect me from others. It protects others from me. By wearing my mask, I’m showing that I care about the health and safety of others. I want a maskless person who is near me to show the same respect for me that I’m showing for them.

        • Since my job is now 90% being the mask police, I not only wear a mask, but also the plastic face shield over that. The mask is to protect others. The shield is to protect me from being spat upon or coughed on by some maskless fool who thinks their personal choice to ignore health and safety protocols are more important than the safety of their fellow citizens.

          Remember WWII? (No, I don’t either — I wasn’t alive yet.) But people were asked to make sacrifices (save your grease to donate to the war effort, gas rations, etc) and that’s why that generation has been called the “greatest generation.” They sacrificed for the greater good. But today, putting a piece of cloth over one’s face is seen as an imposition because some just don’t care about the health and safety of others because those people are selfish, entitled jerks.

      • I hope they told you something back. People who try to tell me something, I literally just look at them like they are crazy.

        • Do you also cut in line? Are you the people who have one member enter the line and then the rest of the family cuts through? Because park rules are park rules, I imagine not having respect for one means you have respect for none.

          • It is usually the response when you don’t want to use the other more appropriate word for a pretentious, self righteous , for lack of the actual word..Jersey. And yes, I do wait in line so my girls can get snacks,go to the restroom,etc. Then let them join me in line…no biggie!

  13. Geez what’s wrong with people? Who hits an elderly man? Although I wouldn’t ever say a word to maskless people, just move on or risk getting hit unfortunately. I hate the stupid muzzle too. Do I think it’s very effective outside, not really.. with that said these are the very dumb rules Disney has implemented so you must follow it abd that’s the way it is or don’t go.

  14. Well,first of all, in my humble opinion, the whole mask thing is total BS! We are being fooled, BIG TIME! By who, or what group, I am not totally sure, but something is NOT right here, at ALL!!

  15. Seriously wtf is wrong with people. It’s a piece of cloth. An inconvenience. A nuisance at WORST. Not something to commit a felony over!

    • John, it’s more than that. A lot of people have breathing issues with face coverings (myself included) and some have psychological issues with it. What about these people? Don’t judge, bro.

  16. The Sherriff’s office better be trying to catch them….I know there’s cameras and they really could find who assaulted this man!

  17. This story is old September 17th was the attack. Stop trying to get ever one upset at “non-mask” family’s.. Let’s start respecting everyone’s differences. If you don’t wear a mask “correctly” or have it down for 3mins doesn’t make you a crimal. Disney needs to start treating their “guest” again like Guest again.. Bring the magic back and your customers return and you can hire your employees back too.

    • And asking someone to pull it up when they are behind you doesn’t make you “the mask police.” You know what does make you a criminal? Assault, which is what happened

    • I can understand people not wanting to wear a mask. But then don’t visit the parks — just order your food via contactless delivery and live your life.

      And DO NOT punch an elder in the face when they confront you about not wearing a mask. There is absolutely NO excuse for that. I can respect our differences — but when it becomes violent, there’s nothing to respect.

  18. Definitely a waste of money if going to animal kingdom and epcot…no shows ,mean less to do , mean 2 and 3 hour lines. Plus with masks ,in the heat ..I’m sorry ,I almost passed out ..had to take a breather and take the mask ofg…definitely will not be back until they get rid of this rule.

    • Hey, at least you gave it a shot and followed the rules. And I respect your decision to not return until the rule is able to be safely lifted.

      I have days where, whether it’s the particular mask I am wearing, or being more active as I try to keep up with everything going on in the business I manage, I get that breathing is a bit harder. But I leave my mask on because it’s required, and because I need to set the example for our guests (and our staff).

      You at least have the option to not go. I HAVE to be at work, where I work with the public, so a mask is necessary. So I suck it up and deal. But if you have the option to just not go, then you make the decision that is right for you.

      • In my area ,mask are not required…recommended but not required. I probably only wear a mask 10% of a week. Some stores require but as soon as I pay ,I take that thing off. Disney was ridiculously crazy about it ,but honestly got out of it wearing it maybe 60 % of the time I was there. My girls got some maskless pictures as well.

  19. Are masks annoying especially in heat and humidity? YES. Are they 100% Effective? No. Nothing is at this point, even the drugs coming down the pipeline won’t be 100%. HOWEVER, they at least help prevent SOME of the spread. Don’t people realize the longer the whining and kicking and screaming about such a simple effort, the longer things won’t return to normal? Yes, live life, enjoy life. Do stuff, go places. Just do it smart and be respectful of others.

  20. The weekend before they banned eating in line I was with my sister on line for the new Star Wars ride that’s not Rise of the Resistance(can’t remember the name right now), and there was a family in front of us that had about 10 people and they had a literal Tupperware of fruit and one of the girls was maskless for almost the entire line eating out of this container, I literally thought to myself “if this kids not diabetic then this is ridiculous”, and not even 3 days later came the edict about eating and drinking in line. This is an ongoing process where they are implementing rules and regulations as problems arise. I DO think they need more cast members to make sure that people are wearing masks properly at all times. They have enough of them policing doorways to shops to ensure that no one goes in an incorrect door, they could close those doors and re assign those cast members to actually do something productive. There is absolutely NO excuse for violence in a place filled with children, I sincerely hope that Disney finds the people responsible and bans them from the Park for good.

  21. All this mask nonsense is based on emotion. People make decisions based on how they feel, PERIOD! Some humans are logical, but very rare. Surgical masks block around 30%, N95 secured with adhesive around face 90%, cloth masks around 10% (which is what most people use). Dust masks around 10%. So yeah if someone is wearing a cloth mask or a dust mask, then their IQ is very low if they think this helps any at all! All they are doing is concentrating bacteria and good way to get bacterial pneumonia! The elite want the GREAT RESET to stop us from using their resources. They want us all gone in reality, soft eliminated is best. We should rip off our masks and give them what they want? Nah’ what would happen is things would go back to normal, the economy would pick up into high gear again and we would start using the ELITE’s natural resources again. They do not WANT this!

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