Orange County Florida Reaches Benchmark That Would Allow Disney World to Remove Masks Completely

Katie Francis


Orange County Florida Reaches Benchmark That Would Allow Disney World to Remove Masks Completely

Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings addressed the latest COVID-19 data in a press release today. The county has maintained a 14-day COVID positivity rate of 4.7%. In Mayor Demings’ phased plan, a positivity rate of 5% or lower is required to eliminate all mask mandates.

Mayor Demings did not officially remove the mandate in his press release, but is expected to do so next week.

Earlier today, we confirmed that Universal Orlando Resort changed their mask policy to allow fully vaccinated guests to remove face coverings indoors. At this time, Walt Disney World Resort has not changed their current policy requiring masks at all indoor locations and any attractions.

Both resorts already permit the removal of masks outdoors.

Stay tuned to WDWNT for more updates on Walt Disney World Resort’s face covering policy.

6 thoughts on “Orange County Florida Reaches Benchmark That Would Allow Disney World to Remove Masks Completely”

  1. I fail to see how the situation in greater Orange County has any say in what should be happening inside Disneyworld. If all (or nearly all) the visitors to WDW were from Orange County, then it would matter. Unfortunantly that is not the case. WDW hosts people from all over the country. I am vaccinated, so to me it is of little consequence. Hopefully those not vaccinated yet will wear a mask no matter The Disney Company’s decision once Orange County leadership rescinds the mask rule.

  2. Funny….the mayor can’t have a mask mandate since the governor already banned that….no fines… nothing. The mask do nothing. It’s almost 100 degrees. Take off the muzzles.

  3. So confused. Universal says no masks indoors or outdoors. Disney says masks indoors, but not outdoors. The Gov of Florida says masks are no longer required. The Mayor of Orange County says masks are required but indoors only.

    How can Universal completely drop masks if Orange County still requires them? Is it just me that doesn’t get this? lol

    • Universal can lift them because the mayor has no authority to institute any covid restrictions since Desantis barred local restrictions.

  4. It’s very very simple: if you are vaccinated you don’t need a mask anymore anywhere- indoors, outdoors, none of it. This is straight from the CDC. If you are unvaccinated you are advised to wear one. However we are in control of our own selves and therefor do what you need to do. If you want to wear one, by all means do so and if you don’t, then don’t. We DO NOT NEED anyone to make this decision in regard to OUR OWN HEALTH. If your children can’t be vaccinated yet, let them wear a mask indoors for protection if that makes you feel better. Or better yet, stay home. Let the rest of society who is vaccinated and wanting to move on from this pandemic do so. The rest can stay afraid, indoors, masked and alone. The rest of us will enjoy life

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