In response to our previous article about International guests struggling with the new Park Pass system at Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort wants to offer the couple free tickets to their parks.
In an email to WDWNT, Universal Parks and Resorts Marketing expressed a willingness to provide the couple with a chance to have some fun at Universal Parks.
The email read, in part, “Orlando is too amazing of a destination not to give them the best experience possible and help them leave with a smile back home.”

Unfortunately, WDWNT does not have contact information for the anonymous couple.
Park Passes are here to stay at Walt Disney World, according to executives Bob Chapek and Josh D’Amaro. Chapek cited the system as “the backbone” of operations.
How do you feel about the Park Pass system at Disney World? Let us know in the comments.
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I wish disney would get rid of the reservation system. It is stupid and a waste of time and money. I switched to a universal pass since they don’t require reservations
It stinks! We were in Orlando for a week and the day we had reservations for 15 people there was an 88% chance of storms for the whole day. But with the reservation system it was the only day we could go. We were looking at spending $2300 for one a miserable day. We brought raincoats and extra clothes and shoes and had to spend $30 to rent lockers. Luckily the weather forecasters we completely wrong and it never rained. We ended up having a terrific day. Nobody likes the new system!
Jumping through all the hoops to get into Disney Parks and genie and all the other money making propaganda they have going sounds about as much fun as a root canal! I want to go and just have fun nit have to have a daily planner at an amusement park. I have been a Disney kid for over 20+ years. Disney lost its magic a long time ago and continues to go down hill. No thanks I’ll go somewhere else where I can just go with the flow and enjoy my day. See ya Disney!
I don’t mean to sound heartless, but do we really need to feel sorry for these people? I mean I know it is a little complicated but thousands if not tens of thousands of people each day figure it out why couldn’t they? I mean if Universal really wants to show how cool and nice they are to their visitors they can always give out a few passes to local families perhaps something that cannot afford 150 bucks a person to go I’m sure there’s plenty in the Orlando area that would benefit from that and they wouldn’t have made a spectacle of themself by holding up a cardboard sign in front of the most famous vacation spot in the world
I despise this reservation system, it’s been one of the absolute worse things to happen at Disney.
Yet, I don’t blame Disney.
They’re a business, and they are giving fans what they want.
It’s the fans the ones who continue to pour money into this system that is ultimately why things have gotten so bad.
What this crap to stop? people need to stop supporting it.
Want scalpers to stop? Stop buying from them.
Want Disney to stop churning out cheap entertainment and raising costs? Stop buying from them.
I did. I stoped my Annual in 2020, which I’ve had for six years straight.
I’ve been going to Universal and Sea World instead.
I miss Disney, but I miss Pre-Chapek Disney.
and current Disney is not what I miss.
We keep blaming the wrong people.
Would you turn someone down if they kept giving you money?
Our next family holiday to Florida will be staying at a Universal resort precisely for this reason.
Foreign travellers don’t pay for expensive international travel just to be turned away at the door.
We’re not _that_ eager for Disney – it’s already difficult and expensive enough on top of all the apps, magic bands, security and health checks, bookings, time availability, meal and show planning, transport, expensive tickets…
So instead of a week at Disney it will be 2-3 days Disney, the rest International Drive, more SeaWorld and Universal.
Adding another barrier to entry is probably one of the best things Disney has done to help the competition…
The park pass system would actually make sense if, and only if, it capped the parks at a manageable level to enjoy the attractions without having to feel pressed into paying an additional fee of Genie+ to enjoy those attractions. Furthermore, when paying that additional fee, there is yet a recently new disclaimer stating that you may still only get access to a limited number of attractions. Also you have other things affected, such as shops, quick service, table service that become uncomfortably congested. All of this begs the question: What is the point of a reservation system that does nothing to enhance the guest experience? I’m not sure if this has anything to do with Covid at this point. It is in my opinion to be more of a self-serving tool for marketing and staffing.
Hasn’t helped the crowds. Waiting in line is much longer. Pretty much killed what was a good thing. FastPass model worked much better. As a DVC member with over 18 yrs of attending the parks, this is by far the WORST business model I’ve seen. I’ve seen evolutions of the pass system over the years and this is truly as step backwards.
It’s horrible and so is BOB,he’s taken away all the magic in 2 years of work.we are now using our DVC outside of the park locations
I live in Montreal canada and work for a major airline in canada. It’s hard for us to travel at times and when we do go to Florida it’s usually always last minute or + / – a day or two. Even though I love Disney I will be giving all my money to other places in the Orlando area. Disney is done until things shape up.
After 2 visits to Universal Orlando in 2 years during their Mardi Gras celebration and a lot of time in both Harry Potter areas I can definitely say that Universal is worth the time. People can indeed have as much fun there as in the Magic Kingdom. There are many things that Disney does bigger and better, especially the ‘bubble’ feeling but a visit to Universal is well worth it. It’s certainly better than being left out when visiting Disney.
Hate it so much.
I have non-expiring park hopper tickets from years ago. The Park Pass system removed most of their utility.
Spontaneous trips are gone; staying at a resort and deciding which park that day, gone. It makes their staffing choices easier — letting them schedule fewer CMs each day — that is its sole benefit.
Another change they made solely for their benefit that makes WDW a less fun experience.
I used to be a no blackouts passholder before. For me, makes no sense to pay a huge amount of money to have a pass that when you would like to use it, you need to make a reservation. That is like throwing your money through the drain.
I can’t help but feel like the reservation system in a way artificially inflates demand, driving even more profit. “Reduced park capacity” does the exact same.
Disney is tone deaf and not making many friends
Why cannot Disney have a few hundred passes for walk up purchase at each theme park on a daily basis? I understand why they need reservations but each day if they can keep some tickets for people to buy that day it would be really helpful. International and local travelers can then buy such first come passes. My guess is that they do not wish to take the time or effort to do this. Shame on them for their poor customer service especially with the amounts they are now charging for tickets.
Reservation system is garbage. Coming from England for 3 weeks as I have done previously every 2 years I don’t want to have to book my days in advance and possibly not be able to anyway due to full capacity 😡. Being back being able to go when the mood takes you and stop taking the fun out of it. Walt would be turning in his grave
All I can say is I’m hearing a lot of complaints with no solutions from WDW. In my heart I feel it’s a greed situation to pick the pockets of the consumer and it favors those with more wealth. This is not the way Walt intended it to be. Profit is a must for such an attraction, but this is on another whole level of taking advantage of the guests and those less fortunate. It will be the downfall of WDW of not listening to the people.
It sucks
Awful enough for me not to renew my AP. I let it go and don’t visit Disney anymore at all.
It’s way to much trouble between park reservation having to wake up at the crack of dawn for Genie +, always on my cell just no.
It’s not fun anymore.
Universal parks are way more chill buy express and go. That’s it that’s all 😊
Disney should have the ability to make a reservation if you’re buying a ticket and park is able to take people
I’ve used their system before and it’s really all about the dollar anymore with Disney. We almost lost our reservations at be our guest and Cinderella’s palace because of it. It made our time more stressful than enjoyable.
I think the park reservation system stinks
Disney should cancel park ticket snd reservation due to not everyone that goes to WDWhas money to pay before they go and I like to buy mytickets when I get to WDW
Disney World is no longer family friendly. Stick to Universal for Orlando’s fun.
I too was turned away with my 4 yr old. Sad moment.
That park pass thing is what keeps delaying me for planning a trip to Disney considering I am a last minute planner and can only plan for when my vacation days are known that system has stopped me from visiting a few times instead I went to universal studios.
With the recent updates of the Disney Corporation, I have posted on my Facebook page, “Walt Disney would roll in his grave” if he knew the Disney Corporation is injecting sexual orientation to the very young children. Furthermore, I posted I will never set foot in Disney parks, purchase any Disney products or watch any new movies.
From now on I will take all vacations at Universal Studios.
WDW park pass system SUCKS
The system is very unfriendly and not usful. We paid the extra money but couldn’t use it for any of the attractions we wanted.
Bob Chapek is ANTI Walt Disney and does not reflect the spirit of Walt to have a place everyone can go to be happy. From needing park reservations, paying for resort parking, exhorbitant ticket prices, the nonsensical Genie system RIPOFF (EVERYBODY LOVED FASTPASS!), and more, I and many othersee will be giving our money to the Universal Parks which are more “WALT DISNEY” like. Chapek wants to cater to the rich only and needs TO GO! NOW! Walt is turning over in his grave.
Good on Universal, They care about customer, not like greedy Disney that only care about the money. Regarding park reservation Disney keep that up at your own peril, once the Covid crowds are done you will not have the crowds you see now as the feedback from the vast majority is you are not worth it with your greedy cash grabs and stupid hoops you have to do to go into a park at Disney.
I hate the new system. It is not Walts Dream. This is only for Disney to know how they can run with the least amount of employees. Its all about Disney saving money. Lines are still as long. It hurts locals who wanna just go a day they choose. That cant be done anymore. It books up fast and hard to get dates you want. For familes that dont know when they can go or have ability to plan in advance it stops them from deciding to just show up and go a day when they can. This works for people who know in advance when they can plan a vacation. It takes away freedom of choice. Disney cares more about money. It rather make more off a family who books a vaca in advance who will come for several days. It does not care for the family that wants to just show up for the day.
I miss the old way. I wish Walt was still here with control.
Its disgusting now
Nothing wrong with the park pass system. The breakdown in communication isn’t Disney’s fault.. it is everywhere on the MDE app and Disney website to make a reservation. The problem seems to come when people do not purchase through a Disney TA (which are FREE to use) buy use a different platform (re: Costco) to purchase tickets. Somehow the information about reservations is not emphasized enough or even shared.
Tell me you’re an authorized vacation planner without telling me you’re an authorized vacation planner.
I truly dislike it! No room for spontaneity especially with Florida weather and my health issues. I stay long enough to be able switch park and rest days as needed but reservations make last minute/same day decisions nearly impossible.
It’s really confusing. You use to be able to get the ticket and go in. Now you have to order the ticket online and also have a reservation on top of it. Ticket is only good for the day your there. We went to WDW June 2021.We were almost turned away because my reservation I thought I had, I didn’t. We were lucky enough, that the manager at the the ticket/reservation area let us in. We were from Missouri and I would have had 2 wasted expensive tickets. Why reservations??? Pandemic is a thing of the past. Their were so many large groups behind us in the same boat. I’m sure they were turned away due to occupancy restrictions.
You travel that far and pay that much to just get in and to be turned away and wasted money/ tickets. I feel bad for the couple from Switzerland. That could have been us (my husband and I)
Having to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a ticket and then not being able to get a park reservation, absolutely sucks!! This system is NOT controlling crowds and is simply an added aggrevation!!!
For local people the reservation system is a speed bump, for people coming from outside of the state it’s a hurdle to overcome. It’s a hassle for multiple people or groups to coordinate. It is going to end last minute trips to Disney for out-of-state families or couples. I really think Disney is shooting themselves in the foot with this “backbone”. Other theme parks don’t have this restriction and families want ease of use. I’m a pass holder and I will continue to go to the parks, but if I’m being honest, I have noticed the magic disappearing one little piece at a time. I’m noticing an attitude of six flags or cedar parks… Friendly enough, you pay your entry you figure out what you want to ride, but you can do that anywhere. Disney was all about the little extras and the surprises and feeling like the added value was there…. I hope they get their act back together as we’re recovering from this pandemic and I realize we’re using it as an excuse at this point. But it’s time to get back to the heart of Walt Disney.
it appears universal orlando is run so much better than disney right now. people that care instead of bean counters.
We visited Disney 2 weeks ago from the UK for a 2 week break with the family including a 5 Yr old and 1 Yr old. To avoid too much queuing we decided to purchase Genie+ at a cost of £100 each (£500 in total). Well what a waste of money !! Apart from having to get up at 7am each day to book the first ride, the next one could only be booked 2 hrs after opening (11am). By then there were very few slots left. By 2 hrs later there were hardly any. Most days all we could do were 2 Lightning Lanes, occasionally 3. We ended up joining horrendous queues with a 1 Yr old to look after, as it was far too busy. Genie+ could also not be used on some popular rides. Park reservations were supposed to limit capacity which was a joke as the parks were just so full. We feel we have wasted our money on Genie + and written to WDW for a refund but heard nothing back yet. My advice to anyone visiting is dont waste your money on Genie+ for the sake of 2 or 3 Lightning Lanes per day. WDW please get your act together and reinstate the old Fast Pass system.
We have been annual pass holders at Disney for many years.
The park reservation pass system came in during covid.
Everyone thought it would go away once the covid restrictions were lifted but that is not the case.
To compound that, they cancelled the annual pass holder tickets to newer,much more expensive tickets with less benefits.
The park reservation system never should have applied to APHs but it is obvious Disney is pushing out their pass holders.
Our former Silver annual passes went frm $379/per person,we bought 4 a year for myself,my wife,my son and our daughter in law.
The new equivalent annual passes would be the Piratepass, which is $699/per person.
We will no longer be annual pass holders for Disney for multiple reasons, this being the biggest reason but with them becoming politically motivated to get involved in a bill that does not exist,is the ice breaker.
Universal Studios will be our new place for annual passes as long as their prices are reasonable and they stay out of the political arena. We have hundreds of friends that were also APH at Disney which did not renew their passes as well.
Universal Studios will prosper from Disneys poor decisions.
We pray they remain polically neutral and financially affordable for families.
We are concerned being owned by Disney that willc hange and cause us all to look elsewhere for our entertainment and family values.
I think its ridiculous that you have to reserve your place at the parks in order to get in now. You used to be able to purchase tickets at the gate and walk in.
Hate it. Should be an automatic guarantee you can get into at least 1 park if you’re shelling out for “on property lodging.” Doesn’t take rocket science for Disney to figure out that’s what they are there for.
OMG. I am a Disney AP holder but as of May 1st. I am no longer !! I am so literally sick of Chapek and the disfunctional people running Disney ( into the ground). They make me sick. So Universal here we come. Please don’t become a Disney And Chapek is a communist for sure !
New park pass system sucks . I’m a Florida native who basically grew up going to the parks my first memory of Disney was July 4th 76 .The park opened it gates fo NASA families . I was 7 I’ve been there more times than I can count
Went for the Christmas holidays this past year
Dont think I’ll be going back . Maybe it’s time to start going to Universal . Just to much hassel to dump huge amounts of money . New system is a pain in the rump . Peace
The Pixie dust has lost it’s luster. Congratulations to Universal for stepping up.
I am waiting to everything goes back to normal. Fast pass, no park pass, and Disney stays out of politics or the woke culture. I went mostly every year, for a week.
I like the new system because it limits the number of guests and does not over extend the parks.
As with most things in life people…system best used when you plan ahead and organize your vacation.
Those who struggle with organizing and planning will hate the new system.