PHOTOS: Latest Update on TRON Lightcycle Run Construction at the Magic Kingdom


Tron Construction Magic Kingdom progress

PHOTOS: Latest Update on TRON Lightcycle Run Construction at the Magic Kingdom


Tron Construction Magic Kingdom progress

PHOTOS: Latest Update on TRON Lightcycle Run Construction at the Magic Kingdom

Tron Construction at the Magic Kingdom is progressing nicely as the last internal beams are placed. Now, focus has moved to the entrance queue.

Tron queue progress Tron Construction queue progress Tron Construction Magic Kingdom queue progress

There is a new focus on completing the infrastructure of the sweeping queue. From the base, to the supports, to the electrical work: The enormous queue and its related areas are being secured. Many of the workers are now focused on that task.

Tron Construction hole Tron Construction hole

Inside that orange boundary is an 8-foot deep hole. This appears to house much of the exterior’s needs, like HVAC, electrical, and plumbing. Plus, the swooping entrance queue is massive and heavy, as seen in our story about its sister ride at Shanghai Disneyland Park. Therefore, it will need strong support and a thick base.

Construction railroad progress Tron Construction railroad progress

This is a decent clue as to how long we will have to wait for the return of our beloved Walt Disney World Railroad. Above is the end of the tracks in this location. Until the TRON queue progresses much further, there is no way for them to re-add the tracks. They are currently missing from here to just under the PeopleMover and Space Mountain.

Cloe up Construction closer view of the progress

We’re really loving these up close shots. It shows the intricacies of the build. What would you like to see in a future update? Tell us in the comments.

Tron Construction Magic Kingdom progress

In this image, we can see an exit queue ramp angling downwards towards the back of the ride building. It then takes a right onto another ramp, not as easily seen.

Tron Construction Magic Kingdom progress

We will be here, every step of the way, as progress happens. Stay with for all the latest on TRON Construction at the Magic Kingdom and all other preparations for the 50th Anniversary.