PHOTO REPORT: Magic Kingdom 10/9/19 (Halloween Treats, Limited Edition Pins, Sleepy Ducks, and More!)


PHOTO REPORT: Magic Kingdom 10/9/19 (Halloween Treats, Limited Edition Pins, Sleepy Ducks, and More!)


PHOTO REPORT: Magic Kingdom 10/9/19 (Halloween Treats, Limited Edition Pins, Sleepy Ducks, and More!)

06E9CB04 CFC1 45F2 B4F7 332ECC9DBBFD

Good morning again from the Magic Kingdom! We must have arrived too early this morning, because some of the ducks were still sleeping!

A4D0A842 4195 427B 975D B5CD99B554BB

F6E08577 2313 45DE 850C 1C6BC1C12E41

Here are just some of the treats available on Main Street at the Confectionery.

4C6257E4 AFEF 46FE 8F02 EE3BB750A6D6

We ran into Mary Poppins going for her morning stroll around the hub.

E78B1C7D 1D0E 4EC9 9F93 D64FB88B7053

Here we go again with this line at Sleepy Hollow… Just open with the park already!

B7CAC710 F53E 4C6F 8810 FC06B77BECDB

Some last-minute garden work. Magic Kingdom probably has some of the prettiest flowers and landscaping on all of Disney property!

286E10F3 FACF 4E2F B420 FB6F87BB5A6A

Let’s check out what the best store in the park has to offer today!

A3B28EA5 1B16 4F81 9404 F5C64FA4BD00

Momento Mori was completely empty this morning… What’s going on today?

1F5D9212 A37A 49D2 990C 941204DBCEE0

Not a lot of people who go into Memento Mori realize there is a painting of a living version of Madame Leota!

1FE07E5F 2A6C 4C24 BFA5 98959A4F67F0

Speaking of Madame Leota, we came across this brand-new gift card for sale featuring Madame Leota herself! To get one of these, you need to load a minimum of $15 onto the card.

70D7F829 D808 48C1 B6C4 5B3DCEC569E1

Let’s head into the Frontierland Trading Post to check out the latest limited edition pins!

08CBD7DA B858 4567 91C1 FC3F664C0603

This was everything that was released recently. Most limited edition pins retail for $17.99 each at the parks.

80ACCC8C 144F 4183 AE47 2D06F54317F3

That boat sure is loud! However, despite all the noise it makes, this boat sure is beautiful!

D2689D4E 23A7 495E 91E4 16FBE24444C1

It really was a beautiful morning, it was also very quiet over here by Splash and Big Thunder Mountain.

9476BD1F CBB7 4EF0 8D28 5CD838E7EA4A

Oddly enough, both Splash and Big Thunder Mountain were closed at the same time due to technical difficulties.

6FD947B8 CFAC 4773 AAFB E76D4BD60EDD

47F552C1 83E4 4451 8926 FCB6F6CEDD49

E49F5674 262E 4C6B 94D8 762A4088C799

EFCF5EB1 26CF 4707 A96B 2C04309AB4C4

Looks like the water was not even turned on, which usually means it will be an extended delay in reopening this attraction.

20E429D9 B325 4DA1 8B61 5C7808201E7D

Back out into the castle hub, we discovered at the drink cart to the left of the castle was now selling the Jack sipper cup. This cup was supposed to be a Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party exclusive item! It retails for $17.00 and includes a fountain beverage.

6A025338 3DD7 4927 9E12 8CC5B07AD65F

At this point in the day it was around 11 AM, and the largest crowd of people was located in front of the castle for the stage show.

AF443FEB B01F 4951 A033 72E099DB5328

Okay, that new sign for tomorrow land is just so plain and boring. In my opinion, this was one of the things Disney should have just let be.

63C7B8F2 F7C0 481F 840F BF593D375D18

There was a very long line for the Launching Pad, unusual for this early in the day!

C0A5925F 528B 4439 B4D2 A6560A1E4B7E

There wasn’t much else going on today at the Magic Kingdom… just another average day at the park! Stay tuned to WDWNT for more updates!

1 thought on “PHOTO REPORT: Magic Kingdom 10/9/19 (Halloween Treats, Limited Edition Pins, Sleepy Ducks, and More!)”

  1. The new Tommorowland sign is a little boring, but the sleek, white design makes it feel more “futuristic” in terms of how we see the design of the future today (if that made any sense). And I feel it blends in better with Main Street. As much as I love my steampunk theming, the sign fits in better.

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