PHOTOS: First Completed Sections of New Gold and Pink Color Scheme Appear on Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom


WDW Castle Paint

PHOTOS: First Completed Sections of New Gold and Pink Color Scheme Appear on Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom


WDW Castle Paint

PHOTOS: First Completed Sections of New Gold and Pink Color Scheme Appear on Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom



Wrong movie, but it does seem like Flora and Merryweather have tapped their wands one too many times in the direction of Cinderella Castle.

WDW Castle Paint

With the planned closure of Walt Disney World, only a day away the parks were eerily empty this morning, but that didn’t stop workers from whistling while they worked hard on the Cinderella Castle repaint.

WDW Castle Paint

In our last update, we reported on the first signs of a “Rose Pink” color being added around a high sectioned window and it seems the pink hue has since spread with the lower half of a turret to the right of the castle now receiving the same paint job.

WDW Castle Paint

If you look closely you can even see the beginnings of the gold accents on the lining of the turrets as well.

WDW Castle Paint

Furthermore, if you look at the left of the building you can see a patch of pink being started on another side as well as other areas seemingly being prepped for a repaint.

WDW Castle Paint

Some areas near the window also seem to require a second coat as they are still some white patches that need covering.

WDW Castle Paint

When it comes to the tops of the turrets, all but two have received the new bright blue paint which stands out nicely against sunny Florida sky.

WDW Castle Paint

At this time we don’t know what’s going to happen during the Walt Disney World shutdown to the progress of this iconic castle, but who knows? Maybe when the park re-opens the castle will be all painted and polished and ready for us to feast our eyes on. One can only hope.

5 thoughts on “PHOTOS: First Completed Sections of New Gold and Pink Color Scheme Appear on Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom”

  1. I still say this is dumb. This is Cinderella castle, not sleeping beauty castle which is supposed to have the pink/blue color scheme. At least we knew the cake overlay wouldn’t be there forever, but this worries me…

  2. Oh god, the color scheme makes it look like Lord Farquaad’s castle in some high school production of Shrek The Musical.

  3. King Candy would probably approve but I can’t say I’m a fan of the pink. I was excited about the blue and gold but now I’m more meh about it. It’ll look too much like DL’s.

  4. I think it’s going to look great when complete! Maybe they should pull out that long list of fixes that has floated around while they are closed?

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