REVIEW: Beautiful Memorial Day Cupcake Arrives at Capt. Cook’s at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort


New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World

REVIEW: Beautiful Memorial Day Cupcake Arrives at Capt. Cook’s at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort


New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World

REVIEW: Beautiful Memorial Day Cupcake Arrives at Capt. Cook’s at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort

Earlier today we stopped by Capt. Cook’s at the Polynesian Village Resort to try out their new Memorial Day cupcake! What did we think of it, you ask?

Memorial Day Cupcake with White Chocolate Mousse – $5.99

New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World
New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World

At first glance, this cupcake had us worried. It looked like it was built up with a ton of frosting, but thankfully it was layered quite artfully so that it looked full and beautiful without mounding on the sugary frosting.

New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World
New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World

The white chocolate filling is creamy and delicious without being overly sweet. Taste-wise, this is a simple cupcake with just vanilla and white chocolate, but the fruit adds a welcome freshness and burst of flavor. We were surprised at how delicious this basic cupcake was! The ratio of cupcake filling to cupcake was spot-on.

New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World
New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World
New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World
New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World
New Memorial Day cupcake with white chocolate mousse at Capt. Cook's at the Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World

This is probably the prettiest cupcake we’ve seen in a good while! We loved the use of edible glitter, too. The pastry chef here certainly has our respect. The cupcakes available at the Polynesian Resort are always the best in our opinion.

Overall this cupcake was a visual delight and a pleasure to eat, but be cautious with the red frosting, as it does stain. We give this beauty a 10/10, and would get it again!

Do you have a favorite cupcake on Walt Disney World property? Are you planning to try this one during the holiday weekend? Let us know in the comments below! Check out some of our other food reviews, too: