SPOILER: Last Nursery Rhyme. The Chaser!

The Playwright sent us this pic of the chaser to the Nursery Rhyme Set (click above image to view). I really like the accessory. What do you think about it?

Get them before they turn into a pumpkin!

Yesterday the Cinderella 7 figure set hit Disney Stores and Online. The 9″ Cinderella Castle figure was also available yesterday (proof in screen shot above) but doesn’t seem to be there today. It is an LE 1500 figure and quantities were available throughout US stores as well, so did the online allotment sell out in 1 day? … Read more

SDCC So Tasty Update

The Playwright wrote into us because he just received his SDCC So Tasty Vinylmation in the mail from the Disney Store Online. I got my whole set of 8 comic con “exclusives” in the mail today.  As per your request on the podcast, here is a picture of the front and back of the vinyl. … Read more

Disney Store Rumors

The Playwright sent a few Disney Store Vinylmation related rumors our way today. Check it out, and remember, these are only rumors from one particular Disney Store. 1. Robots 2 will be released at Disney Stores on Friday with a special sale that includes Pop Vinyls. Something like buy a number of vinyls and get … Read more

Peter Pan’s expensive flight into NYC

The Playwright was in NYC today and found Kidada’s Peter Pan on the shelves. He did note, however, that the price is regular at the store but is cheaper at the online store. (Almost half price!)

The Pinstripes Take the Field at Times Square

With Linsanity taking over the Garden and the Giants just bringing home another Super Bowl trophy, the furthest thing from a New York sports fan’s mind are the Yankees. But Spring Training is right around the corner and Disney has released the 3″ New York Yankees MLB Teams figure at the NYC Times Square Disney … Read more

Central Park Vinyl On Sale

Today, the 9″ Central Park Vinylmation went on sale. This LE 1540 Oscar Mendez design retails for $49.95. The Playwright stopped by the Times Square Disney Store to take some pics of this colorful creation on the shelves. The side of the box explains a bit about Vinylmation and the NY series. The other side … Read more

NYC: The Junior Apple? Exclusive Jr Vinylmation

Update: 9/27/11 Disney says the surprise release of these Jr Keychains was very popular and that more shipments are on the way. We also updated some pictures below. – The Playwright always has his finger on the pulse of the NYC Times Square Disney Store. They have just put an unannounced release on the shelves. Jr versions of some … Read more

NYC Bridges Release and Signing

On Saturday, September 17 the NYC Times Square Disney Store released the new 9″ Bridges exclusive Vinylmation. Artist Oskar Mendez was on hand to sign figures for guests. Our friend The Playwright sent in this report: I don’t collect 9″ so I didn’t go. (but he had a friend that did) It went pretty smoothly according … Read more