CONCEPT ART: Toy Story Land’s Counter Service Dining is “Woody’s Lunch Box” presented by Mini Babybel

Tom Corless

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CONCEPT ART: Toy Story Land's Counter Service Dining is "Woody's Lunch Box" presented by Mini Babybel

CONCEPT ART: Toy Story Land’s Counter Service Dining is “Woody’s Lunch Box” presented by Mini Babybel

Today, Disney shared a look at a new area planned for Toy Story Land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Woody’s Lunch Box.

When Toy Story Land opens in Summer 2018 at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, guests will shrink to the size of a toy and explore Andy’s backyard. This story continues at Woody’s Lunch Box, where Andy has used his lunch box and thermos to create a walk-up quick-service window that will serve up tasty meals and old-fashioned soda floats. In the rendering above, you can see that Woody’s Lunch Box – like the rest of Toy Story Land – has been adorably strewn about with some of Andy’s favorite toys and items from his lunch. You can even spot a green army man on a nearby lookout tower, keeping watch for Andy’s return.

The Walt Disney World Resort will partner with Mini Babybel to bring this location to life.

14 thoughts on “CONCEPT ART: Toy Story Land’s Counter Service Dining is “Woody’s Lunch Box” presented by Mini Babybel”

  1. Wow, that’s downright delightful. This is the first time I’ve felt excited about Toy Story Land. Is that a Cootie toy in the bushes? Absolutely love it!

    • There’s a few of them, including one on the roof of the restrooms, which are labelled “Toilets” with Scrabble tiles – so cute!

  2. “The Walt Disney World Resort will partner with Mini Babybel to bring this location to life.”

    Am I supposed to know who or what Mini Babybel is? I googled it and discovered this gem of an article in the search results: Mini Babybel® Announced As The Official Snack Cheese Of Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort And Disney Cruise Line

    Why on earth does Disney need an “Official Snack Cheese”?! Also, today I learned that there are snack cheeses. (sigh) I guess Mickey and Minnie decided that they needed a snack.

  3. The food will be subpar at best. If it’s not made by me, it probably won’t be good. Everyone knows the best chefs are from Toledo, Ohio

      • Don’t you disrespect Mr. Corless little man!
        Don’t you derogate or deride!
        You’re in my world now
        Not your world
        And I got friends on the other side!

          • Haha!! J, you are too funny!!
            We should meet up sometime…
            Sit down at my table
            Put your mind at ease
            If you relax it will enable me to do anything I please
            I can read your future
            I can change it ’round some, too
            I’ll look deep into your heart and soul
            (you do have a soul, don’t you, J?)
            Make your wildest dreams come true!

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