PHOTOS: Foundation Concrete Poured on Cinderella Castle Pathway Expansion


PHOTOS: Foundation Concrete Poured on Cinderella Castle Pathway Expansion

Disney is chugging away full steam on the project to expand the path on the west side of Cinderella Castle. It seems like every time I’m here, there’s a noticeable amount of progress. Let’s see how it’s going so far!

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The wooden framing for the foundations seems to be fully in place now. You can see the rebar inside that will hold the concrete.

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The wood frames give you a really good sense of how far out the expanded path will extend.

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From the other side, you get a good view behind this new retaining wall they installed.

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I would assume they will probably fill this area with dirt and then block it in with concrete walls.

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These foundations will probably be next to be filled, they look about ready to go.

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Just to the left of those, some of the foundation has already been filled.

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Farther up the path there’s no rebar yet. These will be done later.

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They’re off to a running start!

I heard via a cast member that they’re aiming to have this finished by early summer. I would be really impressed if they could finish it by then, but really the faster they get this path up and running the better. Keep checking in with us as the expansion project continues!