Temporary Pop-Up Pool Bar Now Open at Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort

Derek Sterling

Temporary Pop-Up Pool Bar Now Open at Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort

A temporary pool bar has started serving drinks to guests of Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort. Available for guests utilizing the Fantasia or Mighty Ducks Pool, this bar will serve prepackaged alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

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The bar will be open from 12 pm to 5 pm daily for guests looking to find some libations for relaxation purposes.

3 thoughts on “Temporary Pop-Up Pool Bar Now Open at Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort”

  1. What has become of our society that so many people find the most fun when you add alcohol…?

    Clearly, if people did not buy it, then it would not be offered… Supply and demand…

    The big picture asks the question; WHY??

    Alcohol is a Drug.

    It ALTERS mood and brain functions not to mention health risks.

    Yet enough people have to have alcohol to enjoy going to the pool, that a temporary pool with bar is constructed and staffed.

    This is an escalating society problem that requires folks to reevaluate life and question the reason WHY many can’t have fun without an alcoholic drink in their hand.

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