PHOTO REPORT: EPCOT 10/25/19 (Lots of Christmas Merchandise, Construction Updates, and More)


PHOTO REPORT: EPCOT 10/25/19 (Lots of Christmas Merchandise, Construction Updates, and More)


PHOTO REPORT: EPCOT 10/25/19 (Lots of Christmas Merchandise, Construction Updates, and More)

Hello from a… slightly chilly EPCOT? This morning, we got a nice taste of fall, even though it heated up in the early afternoon. It was nice while it lasted. Let’s see what all we can find in EPCOT today!

03121BA2 F791 474F 99DE 04B148E142AE A9F0CB6D 06B8 4C2D 9C90 26B7BCDC93A2 C031D751 A5AA 4075 B3E8 E29CFD9DD8C8

We found even more Christmas pajamas over in MouseGear! This set features a long sleeved t-shirt and a pair of long pajama pants. The shirt features Mickey and friends driving a cute little red truck with a Christmas tree hanging out of the back. It reads “Mickey’s Main Street Tree Farm,” and is priced at $39.99.

287D4687 2C53 45E0 8440 5153CD4F075C F63DBDA5 030B 4613 A8AA 61356A41941A

The pajama pants have an adorable pattern with Mickey in a wreath, that same little red truck, winter village buildings, and Christmas lights. The pants are priced at $44.99. Even more Christmas t-shirts and Spirit Jerseys have already been released.

BBA2A061 6C8B 4D61 A685 8D0A899223F5 6EAE5539 1D64 48A0 B572 9B63BE6F29E0 D05486C2 2D60 4171 AFF3 986903B831F2

Right next to the pajamas, we spotted a reusable bag. Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, and Donald are decorating a Christmas tree on one side, and the other side says “Happy Holidays 2019” over a cluster of ornaments. The sides feature a pattern with wrapped gifts. The bag is priced at $5.99.

C06A965A 494E 4718 946A 9FBD0F7E72E1

Over by The Seas and Journey into Imagination with Figment, the moats that were previously drained have almost reached their usual water level. One is still left mostly drained, but water seems to be returning.

B9351EEF 1A26 4889 87F1 71195F32DF68 69653548 8ADE 49AA B329 D7FC5CFCE158


7FB27D0C 2D9C 4D90 8288 8EC7DC9BBBE5

In the aquarium at The Seas, the frames around the windows on on the inside to the right are finished, and the ones to the right are halfway done. We even caught some divers working on more frames around windows further down.

A50E9A60 54CF 43F2 BF04 FDAE25BA6132 FA9E4C29 041F 428F 863F 15C6BBEA9935


0C986127 33BD 4137 8CBB 38BC531B8674

This splash pad across near the bridge to The World Showcase was closed.

9C417FE2 2703 4AAF 9898 C6576B693241 B0CFF4D0 7BE9 45EA A21B 8DACDEA5EB68 E40922B2 CD6B 4444 8E0E 75FD92BDE10E

Over in the Italy pavilion’s La Gemma Elegante we spotted some interesting Fontanini vintage collection figurines featuring Mickey and the gang. We aren’t really sure why Donald is MASSIVE. The regular sized figurines are $29.99, and Donald is $75.99.

15DA8901 3A40 4D05 BFB6 933801BE05CF 295F63A8 92ED 4DEA 91C4 8753E9C3133A

The bathrooms by the Canada pavilion are also moving along well. Soon the old bathroom will be completely gone.

D4A2DD07 71B1 4EC9 9E75 B8E178D26D0E C5B69777 42CE 4661 A3E6 55099BE265E4Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind is changing little by little every day. Today we saw that the top section of the next to last stripe has been painted. Soon they will all be orange!

There was an awful lot to see out in EPCOT today! When is your next EPCOT trip? Will you be looking out for any of these things?

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